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  Like I said, I didn't came back to see you, but I was worried about you because of these stupid feelings I have for you, so I sent Jimy instead of me.

  Jimy and I became close friends, he's nice and he knows about my feelings for you, he says that you're stupid for not noticing me and you're a fool for not being with me!

  I'm supposed to be done with you but I'm still writing these letters for you even if you'll never read them, but I imagine myself telling you about my day like I used to do in high-school or like I did in the weeks I spent with you when you were sick.

 You know, it hurts so bad and I don't know what to do, I'm tired of these feelings, I want them to disappear. I smile in the outside but inside I'm broken, do you know how it feels when you don't get to have the thing you need the most? That's how I feel.


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