thirty five

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  I'm happy to see that the more days pass the more you get better. Today, you asked for a walk to the park.

  So we went on walk, it was kinda cool. To be more specific, I felt like we were you and I from few years ago, I was telling you stories about my life, stories I watched on youtube or something and you were reacting but nodding your head or by doing some grimaces to, somehow, say what you think about it. But, on the other hand, you didn't say a word, so it's not exactly like before but we're close to it!

  It was a good day, I adore your company. Selfishly, I don't want you to completely healed so I could stay with you forever, you know, it scares me cause the more days pass the more I realize how I'm attached to you, I'm scared that once you're healed you won't need me anymore and everything would be like before, you'll mind your bisness in your company and I would get to see you rarely. I don't want this to happen, I so attached to you and it really scares me. 

  Please don't leave me, I'm bagging you, I know I sound so weak, but that's because of you, you ara my weakness but you're also my strength. I just want you to understand how much control you have over me.

   I love you,


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