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  Today, like every day, you forced a smile to answer my happy goodmorning, I, maybe, annoy you? But I don't care, I think that I'm starting to forget about you. Why am I saying that? It is because I spent the whole day not thinking, even for a second, about you.

   I spent the day with Zack, the more I know him the more I like him, he's really cool and he knew how to make me laugh, he made me forget for some hours the bad love drama I'm living, yeah, I usually feel like my life's a movie!

  I'd love to say that Zack can be the one who'll make me forget about you, the one who'll make me smile and laugh, the one for whom I would stand by against anything and everything and the one who I'll love always and forever but I can't cause that person is you.

  Maybe this will change someday but I'm sure that Zack isn't that kind of person in my life, I love him like a brother and I think that he feels the same about me so I told him about my story, he had an expressionless face  at first but than he laughed very hard, what a kid!

  Then he said that I was stupid for not trying anything to make you mine or at least to make you see me, so he suggested to be my boyfriend to see if you're really jealous like Amelie said, he said that if you were, it means that you love me or that you're at least attached to me.

  I said no. Why would I do such a thing??! you're with Nicole, so even if you love me, you can't just leave her like that for me even if I wish so from the bottem of my heart but even Nicole doesn't deserve such a chastisement! And this thing may ruine my relation with Zack I saw enough movies to know that, even if it is a game at the beggining, they end up by falling for eachother. I can asure you that I won't love someone else other than you in all my life, but I can't tell the same about him, I'm not boasting... but anything can happen and I can't take this risk especially if it's for nothing.

  I'm getting tired of all of this, I should give up, sometimes love brings more pain than hapiness but this little glow of joy makes me not giving up and still hope for an endless hapiness.

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