Twenty three

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  Today, I joined the company I chose, you know, the one with whom yours is partener. I heard that you and my new boss are good friends, it's cool.

   Working there is different, I have a better post, the boss told me that he won't do anything without asking for my opinion, he said that he was happy and proud of counting me among his team and he didn't stop complimenting me, about anything and everything, from my dress to my work, he said that he has heard so many good things about me and when I pass by in the corridors, people smile at me, they look like their happy to have me with'em. I didn't know I had a so good repputation, I thought that they'll all despise me just like my ex-colleagues, you know, because of what happend.. well, looks like I was wrong. Still, I wounder how I became that famous in the bussiness world!

   I installed myself today, my office is really spacious, pretty and welcoming, I really like it but I know that I'll miss hearing your steps above my head when you move in your office. Good thing is that, at least, I won't hear Nicole's heels slamming on the ground, I don't know how to explain it but I could recognize her way of walking anywhere!

  I'm starting tomorrow, boss told me to have some rest cause tomorrow we'll be a long day for me, I'll be working with him on a new project, I can't wait to know what it is!

     If we think of it, it could've been so much worst, instead I have a better job in a famous company, my colleagues seem to like me and the boss has a good opinion of me. I can say that I'm all fine!

  I'm all fine in the professional side, but not in the emotional one, I'm still as hurt as a week ago, it didn't change, who said that time heals wounds?!

  I know that I'll miss you, I already do!

   Tell me, is it over? we won't be friends again or anything else? Are you done with me?

   I hope with all my heart that the answer is NO.

   It's clearly impossible for me to forget about you, I don't know if you can get that: I love you!

    Hope you're fine.

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