Twenty five

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  I loved it today, we made a good work about the project and you seemed to like my ideas, it made me feel proud!

   Boss told you that he didn't understand how you could fire a so good element, you just raised your shoulders in an I don't care way. How mean!

   At lunch, I've been invited to eat with you three, a.k.a Nicole, boss and you. It was random, Nicole was sending me dead looks as usual, you were chating with the boss, you really are good friends, I'm thankful to him cause he makes you smile!

   I couldn't stop starring at you. You were so handsome smiling like that, you were carefree, I loved to see you that way.

   Before going home, boss told me that we needed to talk.I had a bad feeling, I thought that he'd blame for something but no, it was something completely diffrent.

   He told that you were his friend, that he wants you to be happy.He said that he doesn't like Nicole... and then he said that he could help me to make you mine. I wanted to protest, how Does he know about my feeling for you? But before I could say anything, he told me that he noticed the way I was looking at you earlier at lunch, he never noticed till that moment... He said that I'd fit you better than her, he said that he would help me, I could've said yes, but I didn't.

  I didn't because I want this to happen between us, this is our story ,just you and me, I don't want any help. And I saw this in movies, the best friend helping huh.. they end up together after that, always, but I don't want my life to be a cliché!

   Later, he asked me to be friends, I didn't say no. So now, when I'll talk about him I won't say "boss" I'll say "Jimy".

  Jimy told me that you told him about me, like we knew each other since high school, he didn't say anything more but this was enough to make my day ! Talking about me means that you actually care!

    Trust me, we are not over, our story worths it. Just trust in us.

  I love you, with all my heart.

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