Twenty four

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  There's a question I'd like to ask...

  Why did you do that!?

 I'll explain..

  Today was the day where the boss told me about his new project, I won't tell what it is about cause you already know since that you're a part of it. We're parteners!

  I loved to hear that, to me, it meant that we'll meet sooner and we'll be often together to work on it, boss said that he chose me working on this cause I already worked in your company so I know what will be best for both of us...

  I was right when I thought that we'll meet cause, in fact, we met! But guess who was there to, that Nicole B*tch!!

  Why did you bring her with you? I hate her, I can't stand to see her, the good point of leaving your company is that I didn't have to see her again and you, as dumb as you are, you came with her, just let me tell you how I lost my control when I saw you arriving with her grabbing your arm and having a what wanted to be a sincere happy smile.. She may cheat everyone with her smile but not me, I know what she did, I know the truth and I made her understand that I won't give up just like that.

  Yeah, no metter all I said about forgeting you I deciede not to give up on you, for a simple reason, which is that I just can't!

  Seeing you made realize it one more time.

  We didn't do much today, we only discussed the essential points, the boss was annoncing and we took notes. We'll start real work tomorrow, we want to do this quick cause it's beneficial to both of the companies. 

  I can't wait to see what's next! Since I decieded not giving up, I think I'm gonna play a little bit on Nicole's nerves while her little sojourn with us.

   Let's have fun!

 I'm happy to see that you're okay! Even if I saw,  a little point of sadness in your gaze, you tried to hide it but I know you enough to see it, what's up with you Love? Is everything alright? I'm a little worried, I wanted to ask you but I was scared of your answer, I didn't want to hear you telling me that it's none of my business and I didn't have any single moment with you, Nicole was always stuck on you like glue..

 I wanted to tell you that I'm here for you if you watnt to talk!

 I love you, never forget it!

If You Only Knew... [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora