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  It's been a month since I started working in the company, nothing special happend. There's only one little change, every morning when we see each other we're saying goodmorning, I say it with a sincere smile full of the love that I have for you and you answer me with a forced smile, you're forcing yourself to smile for me! Is it that much that you don't want to see me?! or is it because you're not used to let people see your smile?

  I already told you, you're so gorgeous when you smile.

 Oh, I made myself two friends there in the society, Amelie, you may know her, her office is the one near mine so it also is under yours, yeah, cause your office is huge, I'm not complaining! I love my desk, I decorated it a little, I put some stuffs of mine to remind me of home, I also have a picture of the two of us, I hid it on the first drawer of my desk.

  Remember that picture? It is the only one I have of us, it also is the only one we took. It was a school day, we had gym, we went to some kind of forest, there were a course and we had to pass them and  end them first to win. You were the winner in the boy group and I was the winner in the girl group so the teacher proposed to take a picture of two winners, if it was one of our friends who asked that, I'm sure that you would have say no!! I asked the tearcher to have a copy from our first picture together, he gave it to me and since that day I  keep it safely with me.

   My other friend is Zack, he was working with Amelie and I but he has been sent to the archives which are far away from us, we don't see each other unless at lunch time and sometime he skeeps it because of all the work he has to do.

    Zack and I  go back home together almost every day, his house isn't too far from mine. Amelie goes the opposite way, what a pity! But we see each other all the time, we make phone calls and we go shopping. What a better way to relax?! she really is a good friend.

   Something crumples me.. Why each time when you see me with Zack going back home, you send us dead looks, especially to Zack? Don't you like him? If you get to know him, I'm sure you'll be good friends.

  I didn't talk about that with him, but I did with Amelie, she said that you were jealous. I can tell you that I couldn't stop laughing for a while!

  You can't be jealous, even though I wish you were, you can't be, you're with Nicole who is a perfection on earth. You get along well together for what I saw, you're walking hand in hand at the end of the day, smiling to each other, you're a happy couple and I hear her walking in your office, she's always there...

  No, you can't be jealous, it'll be too stupid, leaving a perfect woman for me who is full of imperfections..

  I am the one who's jealous, I want to be at her place, I want to hold your hand, make you smile, take care of you when you're sick, call you for  no reason late night just because I want to hear the sound of your voice, lay with the you on a sofa watching moving till late night, play stupid games but it would be fun just cause I'm playing'em with you, argue with you in a minute then forgive you the next one because I love you! I want all of it and so much  more. 

  I wish I could tell you that you mean the world to me.

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