Taeyong - Clubbing

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I'm dedicating this imagine to ScorpioLove95z because I am always insulting book Taeyong in her book. She really made him an ass. So I'm somewhat making it up by coming up with this. 

Y/N was waiting outside the club, with her best friend Nari. It was chilly, but they didn't bother to bring jackets, as they knew the club would heat them up with all the dancing and drinking that would be going on. The security guards was slowly letting people trickle in, checking everyone to make sure they didn't let people younger than 18 in. Also making sure no one was armed or had bombs. 

Half an hour of waiting and rubbing their arms, Y/N and Nari was finally let into the club. They didn't get I.D. because they obviously looked 18. Not new to clubbing, they stepped inside, and went immediately to the bar. Their favourite bartender Yuta was there. 

"The usual starters girls?" He smiled at them. Yuta was a good friend of theirs, especially outside of the club, he was quite close to the girls. "I saw a hot guy for you Y/N. But I don't know if he's your type. Bubble gum pink hair, a right Mr. Sexy." 

"Yuta." Y/N sighed, shaking her head. "You know, I'm not looking for someone at the moment, I'm fed up of trying, especially after Lucas left me for that better looking blonde girl."

Yuta passes them the vodka. "You've got a lot to say, but you don't see that you was actually better looking than her. Lucas just fell for her because he was naive. Give him a week and he'll come running back to you. But give Mr. Hotshot a try?"

Y/N shook her head, sighing and downing the vodka, staring into the dregs of the glass. "Yuta, I just want to drink, dance and forget about the world again for another night."

This was Y/N's typical weekend, before heading back to work as a make-up stylist for artists. She enjoyed her job, but she just wanted to relax on a weekend, Lucas had made her life hell, and now Yuta was trying to set her up with someone else. 

"Come onnnn, I'll take him home if you don't." Nari said, smirking at Y/N. 

"Nari." Y/N said in a warning tone. 

Yuta smirks, and get giving Y/N all types of alcohol. Eventually Y/N hopped off the stool, stumbling to the dance floor with your current drink. Dancing on people and grinding on them. Y/N got rid of her thoughts of Lucas and the blonde bimbo he was with. 

It was getting well on into the night, and Y/N was drunk. She went to the bathroom without Nari, because she was too busy chatting a guy named Taeil up. Upon coming out of the bathroom, she noticed the guy with bubblegum pink hair, sat with his friends around a table, he got up and went to Yuta, ordering more drinks. Y/N shook her head, and walked towards the dance floor. 

A tall male, decided to start dancing on Y/N, going along with it, just thinking it was a bit of fun. He tried pulling you away from the dance floor, and outside. But Y/N was determined not to leave, because she didn't know this person. It was frustrating because he was making it a big deal. Bubblegum pink haired guy, happened to walk past, upon hearing you shouting at this man. He put his drinks with his friends, and came over. 

The guy had a tight grip on Y/N, she tried getting out of it, but broke her heel in the process, and he smirked. Trying to take this as an advantage. But bubblegum boy came to the rescue. 

"Excuse me, get your hands off my girlfriend thank you." He snapped. 

"Your girlfriend? What was she doing dancing all alone then?" The taller male asked.

"She was with her friend, who happens to be at the bar." He told him. 

"Not a good boyfriend are you. Come on sweetheart, I'll treat you better than him." The male tried roughly walking off with me. 

Bubblegum boy grabbed the males collar, Yuta looked over. Catching what was happening. "Nari go get a security guard please, whilst I help Y/N and Taeyong." 

Nari jumped up and ran quickly to get one. Yuta ran over, helping get the mans grip off Y/N. Bubblegum boy wouldn't let him go, until security came. The taller male got kicked out, he was now permanently banned from the club.

Bubblegum boy, gently lead Y/N to his table. "What's your name?" He asked her quietly. 

"Y/N." Y/N told him. "Yours?" 

"Taeyong. I'm guessing you are the person Yuta wants me to get to know?" He smiles gently. 

Y/N nodded, because obviously he recognized the name. "Tell me about yourself.." He spoke again. 

"Erm well I'm 20 years old. I'm a makeup stylist for artists at concerts. I'm supposed to be here with my friend Nari, but she keeps talking to someone named Taeil. I'm also best friends with Yuta. How about you?" Y/N spilled. 

"I'm 22. I'm a korean idol. Taeil happens to be my friend, and so does Yuta. I'm here with my friends but they seem to be more interested in clubbing tonight, but that could be because there is plenty of pretty girls here, but none as gorgeous as you." He grins. 

"Oh thank you.." Y/N looked away blushing. So Taeyong had saved her and was calling her gorgeous, what more could happen.

"Would you like me to take you home? My driver can pick us up? You can't walk home with people like him prowling the streets, and you have a broken heel, be pointless trying to walk home." He offers. 

"You don't mind do you?" Y/N asked awkwardly. 

"Not a problem, especially if it means I get your number to talk to you later on and check up on you?" He asks sheepishly. 

"You sure can, it's getting late, so I'm offering for you to stay in my guest room, and Nari in the other guest room. So that you don't have to go home alone." Y/N offered to Taeyong. 

He happily accepted. Knowing that Y/N would be safe at the end of the night, and would get home. All in all, he got Y/N's number and got to talk to her. Nari was accepting of Y/N's saviour, and her dream boyfriend. 

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