Johnny - PenPal

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For the letters, Johnny's will be bold which stands for English writing. The readers letters will be in italics which stands for Chinese writing. 

Johnny had been writing to someone in China for a little over 3 years. His manager had said it would be a good way to learn Chinese, but also to help someone with their English. It was like he was taking Chinese lessons, to help him communicate better with the Chinese members that spoke little Korean and little English. 

Reading his most recent letter it read:

Hi Johnny.

Y/N here, as usual. It's been over 3 years since we were assigned to be penpals. It sounds silly to ask, but can we be considered as friends? Another question is, do you have social media? It would be nice to try and catch up with you on there. Get to know what you look like, and hopefully face time?

I'm going to be in Korea in a few days, I didn't tell you because I don't know how to really. It sounds like another stupid question, but are you free? I'd love to meet you. 

Sorry, I'm asking to many questions. Thank you though for the past 3 years, you've helped me get better at English, correcting me where I was wrong. And now I think I am getting better. I hope I helped you, you know with learning Chinese.

I want to congratulate you, you said you was debuting? Whatever that means, I hope we can talk soon. Especially if you have social media, where I know we can talk daily without having to wait for letters and making my hand fall off. 

I feel like I'm bothering you. I understand if you don't want to give your details out to a complete stranger. Anyways it is getting late here, I need to sleep. I'll see you soon, hopefully if we can meet. 

Lots of love, from Y/N and Rocky (the dog).

Johnny laughed upon reading the letter. He didn't think she was bothering him at all. He loved reading about her life, and how he had helped her. He also enjoyed when she sighed the letter off from Rocky. Her beloved dog. 

Wanting to write a letter back, he shouted for his manager. "Ah-Lee Sooman?" 

"Yes?" His manager shouted back.

"Am I allowed to meet my penpal? She comes to Korea in a few days." Johnny told him.

"Yes, just let me know what day, and I'll give you the day off." Lee Sooman said, walking into the room, seeing Johnny stood with a letter in his hand. He was surprised Johnny had still kept in contact with Y/N over the 3 years. Though it didn't surprise him, Johnny didn't let his busy schedule get in the way of his social life. 

Grabbing a piece of paper, Johnny started writing back immediately. 

Hi Y/N. And Rocky. 

I would definitely call us friends. After 3 years of being penpals it would be weird to not call you my friend. Thank you for keeping contact with me all these years.

You aren't a bother to me at all, I kept in contact with you and I wouldn't if you was bothering me. Yes I do have social media, but I mainly use the groups pages on Instagram: @NCT and @NCT127. 

You can have my phone number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

Ahh my manager Lee Sooman says that I can meet you. Just tell me what day, so I can let him know and he'll let me have the day off. I can't wait to meet you, you can text me to let me know when you want to facetime, and I'll call you as soon as I'm ready. 

Yes, like I mentioned above I'm debuting in the group NCT, the sub-unit NCT127 is the one I'm in. And thank you for congratulating me on it, it means a lot to me, that you even care enough to read my letters properly and give me an actual answer. 

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