Ten - Disney SoulMate

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Dedicated to RayAndTheKilljoys because she requested/suggested this idea with Imogen.

Ten had his soul mates and his own first words tattooed on him.

"Why is Nemo on your shirt? I thought you didn't like Disney?"

"Nemo deserved better."

There was plenty of people who didn't like Disney, he thought. It could be anyone. He brushed it off and went on his phone.

Ten was online, he always was.

You have received a message request @toxic.aeipathy 

"Who in the world is this?" He asked aloud. No one was in room. Taeyong his best friend was out, and said not to message him, because he was at a college lecture.


Hi. I love your group, but someone told me I should message you. 


Hi..? You are?


I'm Y/N. I'm 21 years old. Sorry to randomly message you. 


So you like my group?


Yeah, I have for a while. But you know. 

Could we possibly get to know each other?


I suppose we can, I don't normally talk to people online.


I know, I know. I could be lying about my identity.

All I can say is, that I can show you a picture of myself.

We could always meet up in public, both bring a friend?


The internet is dangerous. Anyways, let's get to know each other. 


What's your favourite movie?


Any Disney movie. How about yours?


Ew, Disney. I'm not a fan. I'd have to say I prefer something more like Train to Busan. 


You have quite the taste. So where are you from?


I'm from Korea. I was born and raised in Jinhae, 

but I currently live in Seoul because I enjoy it here. 

You're from Thailand right?


I am. Along with BamBam from Got7. We're good friends. 

What does your username mean?


Well toxic is obvious, something is poisonous, dangerous even. 

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