Kun - Spilt Coffee

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Y/N walked to Starbucks, already having a rough day. Work had thrown a whole pile of work at her. Her parents kept arguing and dragging her into them every time she was at their house. She had nearly been crashed into because some idiot couldn't be patient, as there was traffic. Y/N felt drained.  The rain tumbling from the sky. Thunder threatening to crash and rumble. Lightening ready to strike. 

At this point Y/N should be used to her life being a mess. It was all she had ever known. Since Yuta had left her, they was still friends. She missed the happy relationship they had. Taeyong and Doyoung spent half their lives trying to cheer her up when she saw Yuta with another girl. She supposedly still had hope they'd get back together. 

The counter had a short line. So there wasn't much of a wait. Slowly the line moved forward, with people ordering hot drinks. "Can I have one caramel cappuccino in grande. My name is Y/N." She told the cashier, handing the money over. Nodding her thanks. 

Quietly she was walking to her favourite seat, taking the spot. Scrolling through her phone, she watched people come and go. Not noticing that someone was walking past. They tripped and coffee went flying. Splashing all over Y/N. Burning her skin quickly. 

"Sorry." The person said, getting up quickly and fetching some napkins, to help try to clean the mess. A waitress brought a cloth and helped clean up. 

"It's okay." Y/N muttered. Sipping her hot cappuccino. She looked at him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll just go get another one." He said, walking away. 

No longer than 5 minutes later, he came back. "Hey, I want to say I'm sorry. Truly sorry. You look like you've had a rough day. Would you like some company?"

"Sure. I did have a rough day, but it's not unusual." Y/N shrugged. 

"I'm Qian Kun." Kun introduced himself. 

"Choi Y/N." Y/N introduced herself. 

They shook hands, and doing so, Kun spilt another bit of coffee on the table. Sighing, he grabbed a napkin and cleaned it up. 

"I'm so clumsy." He huffed. 

Y/N smiled softly, watching him. He did seem to be slightly clumsy, it was funny, but she didn't want to say anything. "We all have our clumsy days." She said instead. 

Kun nodded. They sat in a comfortable silence, like strangers do when they first meet. The shop was buzzing with noise, and everyone seemed happy to be here. The rain lightly tapping on the window, even though it was pouring it down. 

"I'm going to start heading home, before the rain gets heavier." Y/N said, standing up. 

"Do you have a car? I could drop you off." Kun said. 

"I'm not sure, should I trust someone I just met." Y/N said. "I mean you could end up being a stalker, or a kidnapper or killer." In a joking manner, but on the gut feeling said he wasn't like that. 

Kun smiled. "I can see where you are coming from. So how would you feel if I asked you to be my friend, and we hang out some day? Would you let me drive you home then? So I know where to drop you off and pick you up from?"

Y/N hummed, looking out of the window. "I guess that could work." 

Kun led her out to the car. Opening the door for her, shut it. He hopped into his side. Y/N held his coffee, directing him back to her house. On the drive there, they hit a speed bump and Y/N spilt even more coffee down herself. Kun laughed, and so did Y/N. It was the perfect day to spill coffee, considering it had happened 3 times already.  

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