Ten - Pictures tell a story

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Ten had one child, with his wife Sunee. Sunee went by the nickname of Sun to make it easier for people. Chuanchen their child was always called Chen. 

Ten had moved to Korea a while back, pursuing his career in being a dancer and singer, taking his wife alongside him. Because she wanted to travel most countries and see the beauty of them. The couple also thinking it would be best for a change, from where they usually lived. 

On this particular evening Ten had been invited to a dinner with Taeyong and his girlfriend as a double date. So Sunee asked for a baby sitter because none of their relatives lived in Korea for them to come over. 

Yeong-ho was around 20 years old, but had worked in nurseries, day care centres, everywhere with children. For extra money he was a baby sitter on a night or weekends when he wasn't working. So when Ten called he was happy to do the job.

"Is there anything Chen can't have? Is he allergic to anything? Any routines? Anything that I need to know?" Yeong-ho asked, not wanting to mess up with this new family. 

"Other than his bedtime needs to be 8 o'clock, and he can't have sweets before bed. Usually he drinks hot chocolate or milk before sleeping." Ten spoke, fixing his tie in the mirror, catching the young boys eye. 

Nodding, Yeong-ho quickly noted it down, before looking back up and smiling. 

"You'll be fine, he normally behaves. He's 6 year's old, and he'll read to you when in bed, because we're practising reading." Ten announced. Turning around to find his wife walking down the stairs with Chen following behind, holding the banister. 

"Hiiii." Chen spoke loudly, waving his arm. He was lively for a 6 year old, especially for one that was an only child. 

Yeong-ho's face lit up. He knew Chen was going to get on well with him. Tonight would be exciting. 


Leaving the house, Ten looked over at his wife. "You have everything?" He asked, opening the car door for her.

"I do." Sunee sat down, watching as her husband closed the door, and walked around to the side of the car.

Ten started to drive to their destination, watching the roads carefully and making sure they arrived on time. Because there was little traffic.


Yeong-ho had gotten Chen to bed, and decided to look at the family photos on the wall in the hallway. It was placed beside the front door, and the kitchen door. In the picture was another child, he was maybe 3 year's old than the baby in the picture. The baby was obviously Chen. But who was the other little boy?

This questioned played over in Yeong-ho's mind. Because when he looked at other photos in the house, the little boy was in a lot of them. Chen seemed to be 2 in one of the other family photos. But he never mentioned a brother. Maybe he died..

But what would have caused them to not mention it. Why didn't they look sad when looking at the photos. It was shocking to see such a happy family, with only one child, living on as if the other child didn't even exist. 

Leaving it, he walked through the living room and saw books on the book shelf. But wedged between 2 books was what looked like a newspaper. Pulling it out, was another photo... the family was all together in the picture. But they was all smiling, reading the news article all it said was:

Mr. Chittaphon also known as Ten, his wife Sunee also known as Sun, their children Thee and Chuanchen also known as Chen. Have publicly announced that they are moving to Korea for some peace, but also to help Ten pursue his career. Sunee was recently starring in multiple Thai dramas, and K-dramas, soon to be aired. 

Yeong-ho placed it back, nothing that could give away what happened, just announcing what news is going on in their lives. Maybe they wanted to keep the picture for remembrance of their child. 


Ten and Sunee arrived back later in the evening. Yeong-ho looked up from his book, placing it down on the table. "Ahhh, can I ask a personal question?"

Raising his eyebrows, Ten sat down. "What's wrong?" 

"What happened to your other child?" Yeong-ho asked. 

Sunee was upstairs removing her make-up, so she didn't hear the question, which was lucky. 

Ten sighed, before beginning. "When Chen was around 2, going 3. His brother Thee was very sick, and we didn't know what was going on with him. He kept saying someone was talking to him, and that he wanted to hurt us and himself."

Yeong-ho sat there quietly listening to the story. 

"We took him to the doctors and explained the situation. So they sent us to a specialist, and Thee was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. He was only young, medicine wasn't working. Him being in a mental hospital wasn't helping him either. One day we found out that he had to be retained, and in the special room, he scratched his skin so badly that he dug so deep that he bled out."

The silence filled the room, it was dark and the atmosphere felt heavy. Yeong-ho was unsure of what to say. He didn't know how to comfort Ten, he also didn't want to feel as though he was invading his personal space. 

"I know, it seems weird to keep pictures of him, but I want to remember him. I want to make sure his memory lives. We come across as happy, which we are, but we gravely miss him. But that's all there is." Ten spoke, finishing what he had to say. Giving answers to all Yeong-ho's questions. 

"I have to go home.. I promise I won't speak a word of this to anyone." Yeong-ho stood up, bowing to the older, with Ten thanking him and shaking his hand. 

Passing his bag and book to Yeong-ho, he gave a small smile. "Thank you for listening, and thank you for not telling anyone, please be sure that we will call you again to look after our little Chen." 

"Thank you so much." Yeong-ho said, taking whatever money Ten had passed to him. Leaving the house with Ten watching him, making sure he safely left. 

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