Taeyong - Baking

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Pushing the door open to the empty apartment. Taeyong walked in. The key in his hand. Silently he shut the door behind him.

"Y/N." Taeyong called out. Hearing nothing but silence.

Y/N was at work, Taeyong should have known. Walking through the apartment. He opened the balcony door a bit, to let some air flow around the house.

He slipped an apron on, and got the ingredients he needed out to make a batch of cupcakes, and a giant cake.

Taeyong wanted to do this, since he had heard that Y/N was promoted to a higher ranking in their line of work.

Music playing in the background, Taeyong set to work. Dancing whilst he did so.

Y/N got let off work early, because the interview for a new worker had been short, and their meeting had been cancelled. They had no other work. So they called it a day.

Walking quietly through the front door. Being able to see Taeyong in the kitchen. Y/N smiled to themselves. Before closing the door, but not loud enough to hear the lock click.

Taeyong didn't hear a thing over the music. So he never knew his best friend was home and stood silently laughing at his dancing.

"Enjoying yourself?" Y/N spluttered out.

Taeyong turned around, a blush on his face. He awkwardly laughed, looking down. "Maybe. Why are you home so early?"

"Meeting was cancelled. And I've already finished everything I needed before the day ended." Y/N shrugged. Dipping a finger into the left over cake batter and smudging it on Taeyong's cheek.

Raising his eyebrows, Taeyong dipped his hand in the bowl, and wiped it all down Y/N's face.

"Oh, you are so on." Y/N said. Grabbing the bowl and spoon, flinging bits of cake batter at Taeyong.

Running around the kitchen like maniacs they spattered food everywhere.

It was a disaster. They stopped and stared at the mess they had created. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Ahh. Maybe we should clean up." Taeyong said.

"Yeah. Maybe we should." Y/N looked over at him. "When is everything ready?"

"In about 43 minutes." Taeyong said checking his phone.

Nodding, Y/N grabbed the cleaning equipment and Taeyong grabbed some from them. Making a start on cleaning the once clean, but now an absolute mess of a kitchen.

Taeyong started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Y/N looked over in confusion. Finally finishing the last part of the kitchen.

"I never thought I'd have to clean such a big mess up, that I created." Taeyong stands up, shaking his head.

Y/N started laughing as well. Normally Taeyong was clean compared to the rest of NCT.

The buns and cake were ready to be decorated. Taeyong let Y/N help. He wrote on the cake: Well done for the promotion.

Y/N laughed upon reading it.

"Really Tae?" They asked their best friend.

"Yes really. I'm proud of you. You worked super hard for it." Taeyong said, putting an arm around Y/N and pulling them in for a hug.

They stuffed their faces, leaving some cake and cupcakes for the rest of NCT because it would be unfair on them.

Taeyong placed them in a box, ready to take back to the dorms when he went back. But currently he was too full to even bother with going back.

Y/N sat beside him, after washing their bowls from what they had the cake in.

"Thank you for that. It was delicious. You should bake for me again." Y/N laughed.

"It's tempting." Taeyong said. Looking over at Y/N before laughing all over again.

They both had the giggles before Taeyong had to make his way back. Otherwise the whole of NCT and the dorms would be a complete and utter wreck. Like a ship that gets ship wrecked. Except it would 100x worse thanks to Chenle and Lucas.

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