Lucas - Museum Date

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Requested by @//_bb.29_ on Instagram. I hope you like it :) If you hate museums I'm sorry, my friend gave me the idea because I couldn't think of a good one.

Lucas had been planning a date for over a week for his girlfriend of 3 years. Y/N had been excited, because it was a surprise.

Knowing Y/N appreciated history and art, he had decided to take her to a Museum for their date. She'd get to see the Korean culture that she enjoyed so much and learn more about it.

Lucas was ready and waiting. "Are you in something comfy and warm?" He shouted up the stairs.

Y/N was in a light peach coloured jumper, her black skinny jeans and black converse. This was the comfiest she was going to be without going in her pajamas.

"I am. I'm coming now." She shouted back down the stairs. Lucas stood at the bottom, smiling as he waited for her.

Once Y/N stepped down from the last step, she smiled and took Lucas' hand.

"Let's make our tracks." Lucas said. Y/N shook her head, smiling at how she got such an amazing person.

Lucas opened the car door for Y/N, making sure it was shut before hoping into the drivers seat. He closed his door and put his seat belt on. And started the car.

"Where are we going?" Y/N questioned Lucas.

Lucas tapped his nose. "It's a surprise babe. I can't ruin it."

"But I want to know, because I can't contain my excitement." Y/N whined.

"You'll have too." Lucas told her, his eyes focused on the road ahead of him.

Y/N sighed, looking back out of the window. The scenery passing by. They lived in a gorgeous part Seoul. One of the 'richer' parts.

After over 40 minutes of driving, Lucas pulled into a car park. Stopping the car and getting out, he opened Y/N's door. Smiling at her as she climbed out.

Holding hands they walked to the building. Lucas payed for the tickets, and they went to the first room. They read the information points. 

"Stand there, I'm going to take your picture." Lucas said, as they was by a large statue. 

Y/N laughed, posing for the picture, whilst Lucas stood far back, making sure that it was the perfect picture for his lockscreen. Snapping a picture, he stood by her and took a selfie, so that he could keep it. 

Y/N grabbed Lucas' hand and carried on pulling him, so they could keep walking and looking around the museum and look at more information placards. 

Lucas laughed, trying to keep up with his girlfriend, snapping secret pictures of her, knowing that she would kill him, but she looked so happy that he couldn't resist. Coming to the end of the museum, Lucas pulled Y/N into the gift shop.

"Pick as many items as you like. Little keepsake souvenirs." He told her, a big smile on his face, knowing he was getting to spoil her.

"I don't want to use your money Lucas." Y/N said, looking up at him. 

"Come on, its a date, I'm treating you, money isn't a worry for me." He told her, holding her hands tightly. His eyes focused on Y/N's. 

"Fine." Y/N gave in. Looking at his aegyo face. She picked out a few of her favourite items. 

"We should get lunch here, I heard the food is great." Lucas told her. "It's also my treat, as a gentleman on a date, that is what I do. No ifs, buts or and's." 

Y/N sighed, hating that he spent so much money on her. But he wanted the perfect date, so she wasn't going to complain to him. She knew he would spend the money on her anyways. 

Leading her to the mini cafe, they glanced at the menu, before choosing what they liked. Y/N decided on Galbi and Lucas went for Dak galbi. They sat talking about all their favourite parts of the date. Like the Choi Young-do collection room. She loved the art and paintings that was also there, because it said a lot for the Korean culture. 

Getting their food, they discussed how well cooked it was. They discussed everything about today, Y/N told Lucas how much she had enjoyed it, and that she was pleased that he remembered. 

"You want to come back again sometime?" Lucas asked her. 

"Yes please. It was interesting, learning more on the Korean history. You learn new information and old information you might have forgotten." Y/N explained, smiling at Lucas. 

He laughed, and led her back to the car. It was an enjoyable date and experience for them both. 

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