WinWin - New to town

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Y/N had recently moved to a part of China that they hadn't been too. They knew it would take a few days to get used to where everything was. But on the other hand Kun had told them that their friend was moving out and that they'd give Y/N their place in the apartment.

The apartment was high up, so it was effort to drag all boxes up there. Kun wasn't much help as Xiaojun was messing around with him.

"Ah. It'll be the same except it's not my best friend living here." Kun said. Staring at the front door. Xiaojun shrugged.

"Stop thinking about it. I'll be right around the corner from you. I can annoy you every day." Xiaojun nudged Kun. Whilst both boys turned to Y/N. "A few things about my room-mate. 1. He's called Sicheng but prefers WinWin. 2. He never really speaks. A mute really. 3. He's never busy. Just works during the day."

Y/N held in a deep sigh. They was hoping their roomie would be someone interesting. Get them to help around this area of China.

"And what if I get lost? I can't call a mute person." Y/N turned around.

"You have my number. And Kun's call us and tell us your surroundings. We know this place, like we know the backs of our own hands." Xiaojun grinned. "We've got to go, it's a good 3 hour drive to Hong Kong. And that's without traffic."

Being left alone and having all the belongings outside the apartment, ready to be taken in. Y/N took a deep breath and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, and walked inside. Looking around at the few pictures on the wall of a tall male, plump lips, and floppy dyed blonde hair.


WinWin finished work. Taking his time walking home, enjoying the peace he got from the fallen leaves and cherry blossoms, scattering the grounds.

One thought hadn't crossed his mind. That his room-mate had moved out, and replaced with his best friends sibling.

The apartment door was unlocked. This scared WinWin, because he'd completely forgotten. So he lightly pushed the door open. Not daring to speak. Not that he did much anyways. He'd always been the quiet sort of person. Who preferred to stay away from trouble by being mute. Only confiding in his friend Renjun.


Silently walking through the house. He searched every room, thoroughly. Coming to his room-mates old room, pushing it open slightly. Because he didn't know what to expect.

He wasn't going to knock and get killed. WinWin wasn't going to shout and get ready to run. Instead he carried on. Hearing the slight movement of someone moving things. Pushing the door open and fast. Throwing his hands up ready to fight.

Xiaojun never left the door unlocked even if he was at home. Because it was something neither boy could do. But this new room-mate didn't seem to have been told that.


Days had passed since WinWin had walked into his room-mates room to find they weren't a murderer.

"Morning WinWin." Yawned Y/N, slopping in, ready for work. Still half asleep due to falling asleep late, because of the fear of starting a new job was nerve wracking.

WinWin just nodded. Acknowledging Y/N's presence. At that time Y/N was boiling the kettle and stirring the coffee that was in the mug. Steaming hot. One thought crossed Y/N's mind.

"Could I ask you to show me where my new work place?" Y/N turned around. Asking a slightly grumpy WinWin.

Looking confused. He finally spoke. "Why?"

Shocked Y/N stared at him. "No nice to meet you. Or hello. But a rude and simple why? Well I don't know anything about this town. I need someone who knows where their going to show me."

Raising his eyebrows, WinWin sat staring at Y/N. "Perhaps. But I need the address."

Listening to the address, he found it seemed to be close to his place of work. A little beauty store near his hair store. "You work close to where I do. Less than a 5 minute walk between each shop. We can walk there. I'll walk you back after work."


The first day of the new job passed. Everyone seemed pleased with Y/N's skills. Working hard and fast, but making people look fantastic, and matching makeup to their outfits for when they needed it. Also giving advice and tips for beauty and healthy skin secrets.


WinWin was waiting outside the shop. Checking he had everything for the 3rd time before and after leaving work. Knowing he hadn't left anything, but just wanting to double check, because sometimes he occasionally left something not too important.

Y/N stepped outside and looked around. Catching WinWin's eye. "Come on." He said. Heading in a different direction to their house.

"Where are we going?"

"Site seeing. Your getting a proper tour. I'll teach you short cuts on our way back. That way, you won't be so new to town." WinWin shrugged. Looking around at her. A soft smile playing on his lips.

A/N - It's short and rubbish. I thought it was cute, but also portrayed WinWin as someone he really isn't. I wanted it to be different. Sorry for not updating in a while. Work has been hetic.

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