Taeil - The creepy house

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Taeil and Y/N had been walking through the woods. The reason they went on walk was because Y/N didn't want to listen to her older brother complaining to her about everything. Taeil was used to her coming around and dragging him on late night walks with her. 

On a night, the woods was the creepiest place you could end up. There was a lot of things that could go wrong when walking in the woods. For example. Finding a creepy house, that could possibly be abandoned, haunted and a complete wreck. 

But this was where Y/N had walked many a times, without Taeil, and she had wanted to explore the place for a while, so this was the perfect opportunity for her to do so.

"Taeillllllllll." She dragged out, looking at Taeil, with the biggest puppy dog eyes. 

"Yes." He glanced over at her, from looking around the woods, his torch in hand. Phone in his pocket in case of emergency's.

"Can we please go explore this place?" Y/N said, a wide smile on her face. 

"Ah, sure. It's a little creepy though." Taeil shivered, the cold breeze passing his arms. 

Y/N shrugged, and walked towards the house, Taeil jogging to catch up with her. Soon beside her, Taeil pushed open the rickety door, that was pretty much hanging off the hinges, and ready to crash down at any given opportunity. 

Looking around, a strange feeling over came Y/N. Brushing it off, they stepped further into the house. Taeil gripped onto Y/N's hand, ready to run if anything happened.

The house was destroyed, blood spattered walls. The living room was a mess, the couch was torn to shreds, the coffee table only having 3 legs, and all the items once placed upon it, strewn everywhere. The pictures on the walls were hanging on by barely a thread. Wallpaper ripped on the walls. The house was damp and mold grew on the walls. 

Walking into the kitchen, cabinet doors were hanging open. Some of them hanging off the hinges. Dining chairs broken on the floor. The kitchen table missing 2 legs. Plates and cups smashed on the floor. Cutlery and other kitchen utensils scattered the sides. It smelt badly of damp in here. Bats were hanging from the ceiling. The lights were all broken and smashed. 

"It's so damp and dirty in here. Are you sure its safe here?" Taeil questioned. 

"I never said it was safe. I just wanted to do some exploring, that's all." Y/N shrugged. She was drawn to places like this. Glancing at the the smashed kitchen windows and broken kitchen door, it suggested something bad had really happened here. 

Looking over at another wall, there was bullet marks, and more blood. "What happened?" Taeil muttered. 

"Not sure, never really thought about checking the history here." Y/N turned around to look at Taeil.  "I'm going to explore upstairs."

Taeil followed behind Y/N. The stairs all rickety, some of the banister was caving in, and the steps didn't look trust worthy. Y/N placed a foot and some of her weight on each one, testing them as she went up, in case they broke because the wood was rotting. 

Making it safely up the stairs, they headed to one of the rooms. It happened to be the bathroom, Y/N out of curiosity tried turning the water on. Nothing came out of the tap. It looked even moldier in the bathroom than it did in the kitchen. Bathroom items were thrown all across the place, bits of glass from the mirror covered the floor, the toilet was smashed to pieces. 

"We should check the other rooms and leave." Taeil said. "I don't feel like its safe here." 

"Hmm." Y/N hummed. Following Taeil out of the bathroom, they headed to a room across the bathroom. It was one of the bedrooms, the bed was neatly made, the wardrobe stood at the end of the room. A lamp on the beside table, a mini diary in the draw. Looking in the wardrobe was plenty of Victorian styled dresses. Y/N lightly touched them, getting a feel of the fabric. Pulling her hand away, she glanced at the mirror in the room, and went to look at it. But noticed a teddy onto of the wardrobe, she looked at it, and smiled. 

Taeil was looking around the room, glancing at Y/N before noticing she was smiling at the teddy, which happened to be on the top of the wardrobe. He had a funny feeling, grabbing Y/N's hand, Taeil dragged her out of the room. They had a quick look through the other rooms. Until Y/N was satisfied she had seen everything. 

"I'm so glad to be out of there." Taeil said, sitting on a log in the woods. 

"Why?" Y/N frowned, having enjoyed the experience. 

"I don't know, it just gave me a creepy vibe. I felt like the floor was going to fall in every step." Taeil said, shrugging the feeling off. 

He walked Y/N home, trying not to think about how old the house was, and what dangers they could have faced if they carried on walking through the house.

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