Mark - Touch

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A/N - I used my spotify playlist on shuffle to help me come up with an idea, so I'm going to write about Touch, as it was the first NCT song to come up.

Mark had been writing down ideas, he wanted to present a song, something that caught everyone off guard, slightly different to their usual style. But he couldn't get the lyrics right. He thought back to what Taeyong had told him. 

"Usually when I'm stuck for ideas, I use my feelings and write down what I'm feeling. Or my past feelings, like back in school, how it felt about that." Taeyong looked at Mark, sitting beside him in one of the studio chairs. 

Mark nodded, thinking about it. "Thanks for the advice, hopefully I'll be able to come up with something that everyone likes."

Taeyong smiled, "I'm glad to be of help. It's what I'm usually here for."

"Maybe I should write about something everyone can relate too, Taeyong." Mark placed the pen down, staring at the blank paper. 

"Sounds good to me, I'll let you think about it. I'm going to check on the rest of NCT."

It had been a little over an hour since Taeyong had left. He didn't know what anyone could relate too. Something that was meaning-ful. Then it hit him suddenly. He had been in love before, with someone he knew he couldn't have. She wasn't bound to feel the same way, so he knew this would be the perfect song. 

The girl he had been in love with for 2 years of his high school life, had crushed his world, when he was declined to prom by her. Her name was Y/N, but he wasn't going to write about her, but how it felt to be in love with someone, the feeling of touching them when embracing them in a hug or a kiss. When you hold hands or brush legs by accident. This he knew would be perfect. It was unique to their usual style, it was going to be all light and sweet. Like something you would right for the dreamie members to sing. 

Getting to work on his song, he wrote down ideas, brainstorming, until he felt he was ready to come up with proper lyrics. 

"I'm back, have you thought of something?" Taeyong asked, plopping himself down in a swivelly chair beside Mark's. Glancing down at the paper he had been brainstorming on. 

"I was thinking of writing about the feelings of love, and how it feels when your close enough to hug, kiss, you know just touch in general." Mark explained. 

Taeyong sat there, listening intently, humming at the right moments. "I personally love the idea, it sounds fantastic." 

Taeyong set to work on other songs he was writing for their album. Mark smiled, putting his head down, he started writing the lyrics, they were finally flowing out onto the page. He didn't think he could do it, because he was so exhausted that his imagination and thoughts weren't working, but now they was. He could see the music video being all cute and fluffy. 

Once he had finished writing the song, he showed Taeyong. "I love the concept of this, the ideas are perfect. You'll have to show it too Sooman, he'll love it. It'll be a hit." 

The mention of Lee Soomans name, had somehow brought him to the room, or so it seemed. "You are both working hard. You should get back to the dorms for some food and bed." 

"Ahh, could you read through this first? Please?" Mark asked, smiling at his manager. Who nodded, and took the paper from his hands, rereading it multiple times. 

Lee Sooman looked up. Watching Mark's face seem concerned that he didn't like the song. "I love it. You did well Mark."

Mark grinned, and practically ran to the dorms, Taeyong running fast behind to catch up with him. "Slow down, Mark." Taeyong said, gasping for breath after running to catch up. 

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