Jeno - Donghae's Brother

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Dedicated to RayAndTheKilljoys because we freaked out about them looking alike in a group chat.

Jeno was trunching through the winter snow. His older brother had been winding him up about meeting up with his best friend Y/N. Donghae had assumed with how close they were that he would have met her. 

Donghae and Jeno were oblivious to the fact that they had shared a best friend for a long time. Nor did Jeno know that his brother was dating his best friend, they both thought it was a coincidence. Donghae never brought Y/N back to the house when Jeno was in, he enjoyed the quiet company with them alone. Whereas Jeno preferred being over at Y/N's house, and they rarely mentioned his brother, so she never knew his name. 

Renjun and Jaemin were waiting for Y/N and Jeno to arrive. "Where are they? It's freezing." Renjun said, wrapping his arms around himself, trying to warm himself up in his thick coat. 

"I don't know, but if they don't- Oh here comes Y/N." Jaemin turned around to speak to Renjun. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Y/N told the 2 boys stood in the freezing cold. They themselves was cold, the air was ice cold, and every intake of a breath felt like it was freezing you down to your core.

Looking around for Jeno, they waited for another 5 minutes. Before the tall, dark haired boy turned up. He smiled awkwardly, and waved at them. Jaemin and Renjun pretended to ignore him, because he had kept them waiting. 

"Hey." Y/N greeted her best friend. "If it isn't Lee Jeno." 

Jeno sheepishly grinned. "Sorry my brother and I was playing a game."

"Ya Jeno, when are we ever going to find out your brothers name?" Jaemin questioned. 

"Erm never, because you don't need to meet him, he's irrelevant because he's always busy with his friends, and his girl/boyfriend." Jeno shrugged. 

"Are we going to decide on who's house we are going too?" Renjun huffed, taking a deep breath of icy cold air. 

"Come to mine, my brother is meant to be going out for the night, so we can have a sleepover." Jeno said. 

"Let's go. Or I'm going to freeze out here." Jaemin said. 

So trudging through the snow, Jeno and Y/N walked side by side. Laughing and talking, when suddenly a snow ball hit them both. They turned around to see Jaemin and Renjun with a big grin on their faces. 

Jeno grabbed a pile of snow and threw it at his boyfriend (Y'ALL SHOULD'VE KNOWN THEY WOULD DATE). Renjun laughed, but Y/N threw a snow ball smack bang into his face. Turning it into a big snowball fight, their hands turning red from the cold, but they ignored it.

After a good hour of throwing snow balls at one another, they decided to finally make their way back to Jeno's. His brothers car happened to still be in the drive way. Not that Y/N payed attention to detail, although the only coincidence they noticed, was that this was their boyfriends house. They didn't say anything, but they was starting to piece little things together. 

Jeno opened the front door. "HYUNG. I'M BACK. I'VE BROUGHT MY FRIENDS."

"Ahhh-Jeno." Donghae says stepping from the kitchen. "I saw you walking up the drive, so I decided to put together a few snacks- Y/N! What are you doing here?" 

Frowning Y/N looked between Jeno and Donghae. "Wait.. You are brothers? Gahh how did I never know this?" 

Jeno looks at his brother. "My best friend is your girl/boyfriend?" He asks questioningly. 

"Apparently so... I thought it was a coincidence that they was called Y/N. As it seemed to be common, like Lee is a common last name.." Donghae trailed off. He was happy to see his girl/boyfriend, but all 3 of them were stupid enough to not connect the dots. 

Saying that they was stupid for not connecting the dots was harsh, but it was the truth. They had been so busy with their lives, that they rarely bothered to introduce friends to each other. Even their parents were always busy. Mr and Mrs Lee were away visiting their grandparents, due to something happening in Busan, but they trusted the boys whenever they left them.

"Ya. You better take good care of him/her hyung, or I will fight you." Jeno glared at Donghae, who laughed and wrapped his arm around Y/N. 

"I will. Stop worrying Jeno. I've taken care of Y/N for around 3 months, nearly 4. I've not hurt them once. Have I?" Donghae asked looking down at Y/N.

"Well you did shove me out of bed once, but other than that no." Y/N recalled the memory, laughing. Donghae blushed and awkwardly laughed. 

"So how's you and Jaemin?" Donghae tried to change the subject.

"We're doing well, aren't we Jae?" Jeno wrapped an arm around Jaemin. 

"I feel like a third wheel." Renjun muttered.

Jaemin wrapped an arm around Renjun. "Don't worry you can join our relationship." He told his best friend. Who looked awkwardly at Jeno, who started laughing. 

Donghae walked off into the kitchen, Y/N following behind. "A big shock to see that your brothers best friend is your girlfriend huh?" 

Donghae smiled. "I guess it is. I just know Jeno will kill me if anything happens to us, because he cares a lot about you." 

Y/N pulled Donghae in for a quick kiss on the lips and a hug. All was well between the 5 people in the house, all getting their heads around what had just been told to them. 

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