Renjun - That bully

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Y/N was used to the skaters. That was until Renjun came along, and started up on how they couldn't skate. The skate park is, wait no, was their safe place. Now it was just a place where Renjun bullies them, along with their ex-bestfriends Mark, Donghyuck, Jaemin and Jeno.

"Yah, you are back again?" Renjun smirked. "Coming for another fight?"

Y/N rolled their eyes and huffed. Grabbing their skateboard. "No I was hoping to not see you, seeing as though it's drizzling."

"Tough luck. I'm here and I rule this place. No longer do you." He jumped from the top of the ramp and down to where Y/N was stood. "I suggest you leave. You have no meaning to be here."

Everything about this boy, spat out danger. Y/N knew it was a bad idea to argue with Renjun. Especially after all she had heard about him causing someone some serious injuries but not enough to scar or cripple them for life.

"Just quit it Renjun. You can't own everything." Y/N folded their arms. Staring at Renjun.

"And you have a right to talk to him like that because?" Y/N heard someone drawl out. Looking behind the smirking boy, she saw Jaemin.

"I wasn't talking to you. Traitor." Y/N snapped.

"Ahh. You shouldn't be talking to us like that." Renjun tutted.

Y/N stormed off. Making sure she didn't turn around and face him again. Instead they decided to call their last resort for friends, Chenle and Jisung.

"Y/N!" Chenle screeched. Running over to the 2 younger boys, Y/N grinned.

"What happened? I thought you was going skating." Jisung questioned.

"Renjun." Was one word, they all understood the drama between them 2. Not knowing how where this hatred had started.

"Well we should go somewhere." Jisung said. Looking around.

"I'm hungry." Was all Chenle said. Before Jisung and Y/N shared a look, as to say that he was always hungry.

"Alright, let's go get Samgyetang." Y/N said. Feeling slightly hungry after her encounter with the bully boy, Renjun.

The 3 made their way to the little diner that sold one of the 3's favorite dishes. Chenle opened the door.

"You two first." He looked at them.

"Thank you Lele." Jisung and Y/N said together.

They all ordered the same, and went to sit down at a little table by a window.

The waiter brought their drinks and then the food. Y/N was looking out of the window whilst listening to Jisung and Chenle arguing over who was better looking.

"Guys.. is that Renjun? And his little gang?" Y/N questioned.

Catching both boys attention. They looked out of the window at 3 boys with brown hair, the pink haired boy and black haired boy.

Renjun looked over at the diner, waiting to cross the road and saw what looked like Y/N glancing at him out of the window. He suddenly felt a burning desire to punch them.

Why was they following him everywhere he went? Did they seriously have so much in common? But he still hated them for taking away Chenle, his best friend during nursery school. Not that anyone knew Renjun back then because he was shy.

Now he was known because he was a 'bully.' He took away the skate park so that he could steal Y/N's friends. Make them realise how made he was for taking Chenle.

Jeno had grabbed his wrist and was dragging him across the road. "Snap out of it Renjun. You was in your own little world and no one could get you back."

"Sorry. Was just thinking about how much I want my Japchae and chocolate milkshake." He lightly chuckles.

The group of 5 walked into the diner. "Go get our seats, I'll order for you all." Renjun told them.

They all nodded and handed him their money. He slipped it into his wallet and waited in line to order.

He felt someone giving the death glare and looked around, catching Y/N's eye. He sarcastically waved and stuck his middle finger up at them.

Renjun was only giving Y/N the same treatment that they had deserved all them years ago. He wasn't pleased that he had to learn Korean quickly because no one knew mandarin.

Y/N wanted to get up and leave so fast when Renjun walked in. But when he went to the other side. They relaxed and just enjoyed being in their friends company. Even if her enemy was on the other side.

They'd never know the reason as to why Renjun hated them. But Chenle seemed to know Renjun quite well. Not that he ever mentioned why. Just said that they drifted apart, and that was the end of that.

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