Renjun - Highschool

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It was another typical day at high school for Renjun. Walking through the crowded hallway, there was too much talking. He hadn't been well for the past week, but came to school against Taeyong's orders. Chenle met Renjun half way to their lockers. 

"You okay? You left later than usual." Chenle asked. 

"Taeyong was trying to get me to rest. But you know important this show is to me." Renjun said. 

It was the beginning of Easter term, before they had Easter off. And they had set up a show. Renjun and Chenle were doing a part together. And at some point they had to fight over a girl named Y/N, who was in another form. So they didn't know each other at all. 

Renjun opened his locker, put away anything he didn't need, and walked Chenle to form. 

"Taeyong just worries." Chenle said, brushing past Lucas and Kun, who were running to get to their form. Renjun nodded, placing himself at his desk. Chenle in the seat beside him. 

The day was passing slowly, Renjun had his head on his desk, during the whole of lunch break. "Ah Renjun, go home, you aren't well." Mr. Choi said. 

"I'm fine sir." Renjun said, lifting his head off the desk. His head felt heavy.

Passing through the day, Renjun dragged himself through the corridors. He arrived at the dress rehearsal for the play and slipped into his outfit.

Y/N noticed Renjun. Lately she had been noticing him often, but she never spoke to him. He was popular, she was just someone who had multiple friends but wasn't classified as popular.

Chenle noticed Y/N staring and nodded at her. Y/N smiled awkwardly, and turned away, not realising she had been staring at Renjun the whole time.

During the dress rehearsal Renjun started swaying, he was so dizzy he actually fainted. And Taeyong had to pick him up, Chenle had to go home as Taeyong was the only way home, as he didn't like public transport. 

The days passed. Renjun had been bed bound, but was slowly getting better. He got told he'd be allowed back to school tomorrow, which Renjun was pleased about. 

Y/N on the hand, had been panicking. She didn't want to do the play without Renjun because him and Chenle, were the only people who could actually act. And they actually put on a good performance.

It was time for school and Taeyong had gotten everyone out of the door. Renjun trudged behind, holding his bag, and breathing in the fresh air, before climbing into the van, with the other 6 dreamies. Lucas and Kun. 

"You ready?" Chenle turned to Renjun. 

"I am, I just want to do this play, its been playing on my mind for weeks." Renjun looked at the younger boy.

"Don't worry about it, everyone knows your a brilliant actor." Chenle reassured his hyung.

Nodding, Renjun smiled, and turned to face the trees moving by. They had gotten to school, and Y/N was waiting by the gate. Renjun hardly noticed her. 

"Hey, Renjun. You coming to practice during breaks and after school right?" The girl asked. 

"You are? And yes, I'll be coming, what makes you ask?" Renjun tilted his head in confusion. 

"I'm the girl, you're acting with. And you haven't been to school in a week, everyone was worried. Sorry." Y/N uttered. 

Renjun nodded, taking in her features. She seemed like a lovely person, but she was quiet. Renjun was used to his friends being loud. "No. Don't apologize, I'm better now. It's not your fault." He tried reassuring the girl. 

Y/N just nodded and walked away, feeling awkward. Renjun turned to Chenle and Jeno, who both just shrugged, and walked with him to the school front door. Jaemin, Mark, Haechan and Jisung were already there, waiting to go to their lockers. 

During breaks and lunch, even after school. Renjun worked hard to make his character seem real. "You're doing well." His teacher told everyone. "Keep up the good work, and we'll be ready tomorrow. Keep your outfits safe."

"That was fun." Renjun said, watching Chenle pick up his bag from the side of the stage. 

"Yeah. Especially our fight scene over Y/N." Chenle said. 

In truth the fight scene had been awkward. Well between Renjun and Y/N it was. They hardly knew each other and she had tried to apologize for him being ill.

"We should get some rest before tomorrow." Renjun said, walking by Y/N, who turned her head away and walked in a different direction. "Also whats with her?"

"Don't know. I think she wanted to be friends with you, but you don't make friends with the quiet people." Chenle looked over at Renjun, shrugging. Jeno caught up with them, and joined the conversation. 

The play had been going well, it was the fight scene, and everyone was laughing at Renjun and Chenle being dramatic, with Chang-woo stepping in, to safe the 'damsel in distress' as he had to say. All in all the play was a big hit. Everyone bowed and left. 

Stepping out of the changing room, Renjun saw Y/N talking to a friend, and decided to talk to her. 

"Ah Y/N. You did so well on stage." Renjun said, smiling brightly. 

"Thank you. So did you." Y/N replied, about to walk off. 

Renjun panicked and grabbed her arm. "Can we be friends?" 

"Yes, I'd like that." And with that she walked off. 

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