Jeno - You forgot me

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Jeno always opened his locker, when he arrived at school. He arrived 5 minutes before his friends did. Due to being dropped off by his neighbour Doyoung, who went to the university of Seoul just 10 minutes up the road from Jeno's school. And picked him up every day from school.

It was a typical day for Jeno, except the past few months he had been receiving sweet letters. He put his number into the lock and opened it. Looking at the pink paper, left in there.

Dear Jeno,

It sounds creepy, and I know I say this in every letter. Or most of them. But I do write these to you, so that you have a good day. So that your spirits are lifted.

Maybe one day we can meet. But I think it's best if you don't know me. I'm in the same year as you, but a different class. I don't admire you from afar. Not like most girls do anyway. I tend to think of you as someone who I'd be friends with.

Onto the next topic, I hope you have a good day. It might seem like your having a rough day, but think of your friends and family, all the good memories you have with them.

Many good memories can come to tragic endings.. I'd know because I live a tragic life. But that's not for you to worry about.

Anyways, I hope your friends make you smile. Because you deserve too. You should remember someone like this. The one person who used to write you notes.. Til I spoke to you, met you when I was running late to class and all my paper fell everywhere.

It all changed due to one fateful night.

Enough with the sad stuff.

From ~ The pink paper.

Jeno had an accident a few years back. He didn't remember much of it. All he knew was that it caused him to lose his memory. And that his neighbour and friends had tried to help retrieve some of that.

They left out Y/N. What had happened between them before the accident. Wanted for him to remember it by himself. Y/N didn't want to be near Jeno, she had felt the change in him and it hurt. She was hurt after being there when it happened. She blamed herself for not being careful.

The cool breeze swept through the corridors, as Jeno's friends and a few other students arrived, from walking or riding their bikes to school. In a way to keep healthy.

"Jeno!" Someone yelled. Running over to the boy, who placed the letter in his bag and turned around.

"Renjun! Jaemin! Hyuck! Mark! Where's Jisung and Chenle?" Jeno frowned looking for the 2 younger boys, 1 of them 2 years below him. The other just a year below him. Mark the oldest of the group the year above.

"Their coming on the bus. Chenle needs his bike fixing. He crashed it on the ramps on Monday." Mark shrugged.

"Jisung went on the bus with him, because he knows Chenle would be left out." Hyuck informed Jeno.

Jeno raised his eyebrows. "He crashed his bike on the ramps? Where was my invite?"

Jaemin looked confused. "I thought you was with Doyoung, your neighbour? Wasn't he meant to be practising dance with you?"

"Oh.. yeah. Sorry guess I wasn't thinking." Jeno shrugged. Glancing over at the doors.

The school doors swung open, Chenle and Jisung ran over. Greeting their friends.

Days passed by, he kept receiving letters, it was bringing back memories. Memories of when he used to receive notes. But he couldn't put his finger on where he was getting them from.

"Hyuck? Where do I keep getting these letters from?" Jeno asked his friend. "I remember at some point earlier on in the year, that I was receiving letters like this."

"Sorry Jeno, no I don't know. Maybe you have a secret admirer." Donghyuck said, looking over at Jeno. His bag sliding down his shoulder as per usual.

Jeno hummed, looking for Jaemin. "None of us know, Jeno. We are all as confused as you are."

Liar was all Donghyuck could think. Just tell him. He desperately wanted their friendship group back. Wanted to live a happy life with his friends.

Jeno sighed. He couldn't think of anyone who would like him.

It was weeks after the letters started arriving. The pink paper filling Jeno's desk at home. He was trying to figure out who they was from. It was so hard. He wished he'd never lost his memory.

The school was quiet in a morning. Before everyone arrived. Very few people wandered the halls. Jeno got here early, because Doyoung was being forced to go to an early meeting.

He walked towards his locker, listening to the sound of his footsteps clacking against the tiled floor. Watching as teachers walked by, talking to one another. Or saying a quick hello, before getting to the classroom to prepare their lesson.

Jeno was never this early. So Y/N expected him to come to his locker. She was here early because she wanted to get any homework out of the way that she needed to ask her teachers about.

Y/N heard the footsteps coming. Thinking it was another teacher, she slide the note into the locker. Her pink paper peaking out of her notebook.

Turning to walk away, she heard Jeno's soft voice. "Wait. Did you... are you th-.."

Y/N slowly moved, so she was looking at Jeno. Nodding. Without a word, they sat down.

"You... you don't remember me? You forgot me.. after the accident..." Y/N muttered. "I wanted to retrieve your memories. By doing this again."

Jeno looked down at the girls clasped hands. "I'm sorry Y/N.."

"You remember my name?"

"Seeing the back of you... it triggered something, the pink paper helped me connect... I remember everything but the accident." Jeno said, quietly. His soft voice softer than usual.

Y/N just nodded. "I can help you remember." Leaning forward she grabbed his hands. "We were walking..  in the woods. And it was around lunch time. Foolish teenagers that we are, decided to climb trees and have a picnic in them."

Jeno watched as a tear slid down her face. As though it was terrible. "That's not bad at all."

"I'm not finished." Blinking the tears away, Y/N carried on. "We got down and looked for the biggest tree. You was scared of being up so high, but I bet you at least ₩5000 (5000 south Korean won = money). Y-you climbed... but got half way."

Stopping she took a breather. Jeno was taking it in. Staring down at their hands. Waiting to hear the rest.

"And.. I climbed to the top. Because I was foolish, and I wanted to prove I was better. I-I... couldn't get down.. and you decided to climb up to rescue me. We got half way down, and you slipped. You fell around 20 feet to the floor, you was really injured. In a coma for about 2 weeks. And you lost your memory. You forgot about me. You forgot about everyone."

"I forgive you, so don't blame yourself. We was foolish. Sorry for forgetting about you. Can we go back to the way we was before? When we was close friends?" Jeno asked.


The one word that made 8 people the closest they could ever be. Nothing could stop them ever. Not even if they all lost their memories.

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