Haechan - Addicted

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We're all addicted to something right? Well Haechan was addicted to the sweet smell of rain hitting the ground, randomly dancing to songs playing when he's alone, even though he's in a public place, he's also addicted to his best friend. 

It was like he was intoxicated, the moment they hung out. Every hug drove him further into the addiction, like nothing could stop him, other than them leaving him. Haechan didn't think like that, he didn't believe Y/N would ever leave him. Nor would he ever leave her. Everything he did, he wanted to dedicated it to her. Every show he played. But he would never let them know that the skin-ship between them was something he enjoyed. Just being close to someone. 

Doesn't it sound weird? Haechan being addicted to his best friend? Kind of is weird, but it was normal for Haechan, he didn't get many friends that truly hugged him, cheered him up in the worst of times. Held his hand when pulling him across the street, risking their lives. 

"Haechannnnnn." A voice said from behind him. Arms wrapping around his shoulders. He instantly felt warm from the touch, saying that he had been standing outside Y/N's apartment for about 10 minutes, whilst she was getting ready, because as usual she was late. Her touch ignited something inside him.

Turning around, Haechan smiled at Y/N. "You finally ready to go?"

Y/N let go of Haechan, because their faces were so close. "Of course I am."

Haechan grabbed her wrist, and gently tugged her along. Enjoying the euphoria he felt when being near Y/N. The smell of her subtle, expensive perfume filling his nose with the sweetest scent, even made him addicted to her. His addiction was so bad that if anything smelt like her, looked like her style, reminded him of her, then he was bound to have a large smile on his face for the next couple of hours. 

"Where are we going Haechan?" Y/N attempted to stop Haechan. 

Haechan suddenly stopped. "I was hoping you could choose."

Y/N stood there, pondering for a moment as to where they should go. "Maybe we should go to Jaehyun's house, and play video games with him for a couple of hours."

Agreeing, Haechan started walking the 23 minute walk to Jaehyun's house. Watching cars pass by, enjoying the presence of his best friend. His addiction. His favourite addiction, that he wouldn't change, even if heaven and hell moved, he wouldn't change it. 

It was a slow walk, but with Y/N right beside him, Haechan didn't think it was too bad. He enjoyed times like this. They didn't talk, but enjoying the comfortable silence, that surrounded them. They didn't feel forced to talk, but just to enjoy each others presences. It was like many friendships, except for Haechan he didn't think it was normal to be addicted to someone. It's possible there was people out there that was addicted to their best friends, but that wasn't something he thought about. 

"Something playing on your mind, Haechan?" Y/N had once again stopped. Curious as to why the boys face was looking like a range of emotions. 

"No. It's nothing. Just thinking about something." Haechan said, trying to sound convincing. Not that he did, but Y/N dropped it, taking his hand and pulling him along. Wanting to get to Jaehyun's house faster. 

Arriving, Jaehyun opened the door to his unexpected guests. "I suppose you know, I was having a video game day?"

"No, we just wanted to play video games, and your the only fun person who plays them." Haechan said, shrugging nonchalantly. 

Jaehyun nodded, noticing his blushing cheeks, glancing down at their hands. As he stepped aside to let them in, a small smirk played on his lips. He didn't know what was wrong with Haechan, but he could get anything out of this boy. 

"Come get some drinks with me, Haechan." Jaehyun said, closing the door behind them and walking into the kitchen. Haechan trailing behind him. 

Haechan looked at him. "What do you need Jaehyun?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, what makes you ask that?" The boy tried to play it off. 

"Don't pretend, you was blushing when holding hands with her."

"S-she's my best friend." 

"Come onnnn. Tell meee." Jaehyun lightly pushed Haechans shoulder. 

"Fine. She's my addiction, her touch, smell, anything that reminds me of her, triggers something happy in my mind."

Jaehyun smirked. That was all he needed to know, before he teased the boy about his odd addiction, that no one could explain without telling him that he was in fact in love with his best friend, and that explained his addiction to her. 

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