Jungwoo - The Key

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Jungwoo had dreamed for months about a key. Some rose-gold, sort of heavy key. It was cold  to the touch, but he couldn't understand why his mind was so attracted to this key. Unsure of what the key represented, he awoke that morning startled, by how clear his dream was becoming. The hazy foggy mess was clearing, but he had woken up too soon. 

Groaning, Jungwoo lifted his head from his pillow and looked over at his room-mate Kun. Knowing the male would listen when he had woken up, Jungwoo decided to leave his room-mate to sleep, and went for his usual morning coffee. Something to keep him awake before the day started. 

"You're up early for work." A tired voice spoke, from the doorway. Jungwoo looked over, nearly spilling coffee out of fright, because he hadn't expected Yuta to be awake at this time of morning. 

"Yeah, no. I couldn't sleep, felt more awake and restless." Jungwoo looked away, and down at the spilled coffee, before getting a cloth and wiping it up, rinsing it out.

"Want a fresh coffee? It might wake you up properly. Keep you more alert for work." Yuta offered, trying not to shake his head at the state Jungwoo was in. The white t-shirt now stained coffee coloured.

Jungwoo nodded, before going to get changed into his work uniform and through his dirty shirt into the wash basket, with the rest of his nightwear. Slipping back into the kitchen. Looking at Yuta, he took a long sip from his coffee cup. 

"Thanks for the coffee." Jungwoo spoke in his usual soft voice. Before falling quiet, the clock ticking away on the light coloured peach walls. The soft humming of the fridge could be heard. 

"What does a key represent in a dream?" Jungwoo asked the question, not having a chance to stop himself. 

"It could mean that you've locked something in a part of your mind, something that you didn't want to access but now want too. Or you've been hiding something and its your guilty concision giving you the key to let it all out." Yuta shrugged. 

"It could also represent something your soulmate has or has lost, in which you could return it to them. It could be a house key. A diary key. Any type of key really." Kun spoke from the door frame. 

This time Jungwoo had managed to not pour coffee down himself, but he certainly jumped, he didn't realise his room-mate had been there, listening the whole time. 

"What's it go to do with my soulmate?" Asked Jungwoo, looking curious. 

"It could help lead you to them, me and Yuta finally met our soul mates due to our dreams. We followed them. Our soulmates did the same, and look where we got." Kun explained, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Anyways, I thought you had to go to work? The library isn't the same without you keeping everything in check. 


Time was passing by slowly. People entering and leaving the library full to the top with books, on the dark mahogany cabinets. The soft cream coloured carpet beneath peoples feet. The welcome mat, where people had to wipe their feet. Everyone was welcomed here. It was the sort of place where everyone came for the quiet.

"Excuse me." A soft voice spoke. 

Looking down from where he was sorting books out on his ladder. Jungwoo smiled, and climbed down. "How may I help you?"

"I was looking for my rose-gold key. And the last place I remember it being was in this library. I was wondering if you'd seen it. Or if you could help me find it." The person spoke again. 

In his head, his only answer was that he'd seen the key in his dream. But he'd rather he didn't say that aloud and make the other person think he was a complete and utter creep. So he gladly accepted to help.

Checking the lost and found, the staff room, everywhere that someone could place a key for safe keeping in case the owner came back. But it was in no safe place that Jungwoo could think of. 

For a moment Jungwoo blanked out. He felt like he was in a day dream. Everything was all fuzzy, and there was a white light, but it faded out. It was like an out of body experience. 


Walking through the hallways, searching high and low for this rose gold key. Jungwoo stopped at a table in the far corner of the library. By one of the desks where people studied for tests, and found research in the many books they'd pile onto the table. 

The room was on the second floor. The library had 2 floors, and multiple rooms with plenty of books for different types of people. Jungwoo looked everywhere in this particular room. Only it didn't seem like he was in his own body. Like his spirit was finding it for him and showing him, so he didn't have to search for it.

Sunlight shining through the window, caught a gleam of something shiny. Jungwoo stooped down low and looked under the heater. Finding that the key must have slipped off the table when the person placed their books down. 


Running through the rows of book shelves, and dodging other people and workers in the library, Jungwoo ran up the spiral metal staircase, his shoes hitting the metal hard, so it clanged and rang out at every land of his foot. 

Not stopping his pace til he got to where he needed to be, Jungwoo ran down more rows of bookshelves, finding himself immediately knowing exactly which area of the study room that the key was in. 

Looking around for the table with the heater closer to it, Jungwoo scanned the room, breathing heavily. Eventually managing to catch his breath, and started walking to the table. Bending down to look under the heater, to find where the key had been all along. He reached under, but because the heater had been on he burnt his hand, gripping the key, he snatched his hand away quickly. 

Back down the rows of bookshelves, and down the metal spiralling staircase, Jungwoo ran around trying to find the owner of the key. Who appeared from behind a bookcase, in hopes of finding Jungwoo to see if he had any luck at all. 

Jungwoo knocked into the person. "I'm so sorry.." 

"It's Y/N. Yours?"


"Don't worry about knocking me over, I came to find you to see if you had any luck finding my key. It doesn't matter if you haven't, I'll just have to keep looking." Y/N rambled on.

"I found it. I had a vision of where I found it. But before that I kept having hazy dreams about this exact key, I don't know why."

"Perhaps its because we are meant to be..." 

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