Jisung - Making new friends

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School was never an interesting part of Jisung's life. But debuting with NCT felt like a big responsibility for him. He never had time to make new friends. He always felt lonely for it.

Y/n had gone to high school with the quiet, self-reserved boy. Always being there for him as a peer and nothing more. Following NCT on all their social media platforms. Seeing how happy Jisung looked and acted. 

During one interview he admitted that since debuting in NCT and leaving high school for it, he didn't have many friends, and he didn't have time to make new friends, so he felt lonely for it. Y/n didn't know how to reach out to the old high school peer. Considering he was now a big kpop star. 

Days and weeks passed, until Y/n threw all the paper work aside, that was required for this job, in order to get an interview. Wanting the extra money to give them more spending money. It was a dog walking job, but they was paying well, so it was worth a try. 

The moment Y/n received a call from the company, hearing them ask if they would like to come for an interview. Y/n accepted immediately. Happy to be offered an interview, setting the time, date and location. They jumped up and went to find the right outfit, even if it was a week before the interview, they wanted to make sure they didn't wear the outfit anywhere else, during the time being. 

Days passed by. Jisung looked at Taeyong's dog Ruby and Yuta's dog Suki. Currently waiting for their afternoon walk, which Jisung offered to do. But he had to find the leads first. Jisung heard a knock on the front door. In which Taeyong went and got it. Stepping aside to let his manager in. 

"Thank you. I'll interview the new dog walker and see they are capable of the job." NCT's manager told Taeyong. 

Jisung smiled as his manager walked past. "Hi Managers/Name." 

The manager smiled at Jisung, nodding. 

Leading Ruby and Suki to the kitchen, Jisung gave them fresh water, and continued the hunt down for the lost leads. 

Y/n knocked on the door, not expecting to see Jungwoo standing there with the door open. "Hi." Jungwoo spoke. 

Look of confusion crossed Y/n's face. "Uhh, I must be at the wrong house." 

"You are the new dog walker, well the person getting interviewed today right?" Jungwoo asked. 

"Yes. So I am at the right house?" Y/n  questioned back. 

"Of course." Jungwoo smiles. Stepping back and letting Y/n in. "Come through here with me." Jungwoo closed the door and walked through the kitchen area. 

Jisung smiled at the new guest. "Hi." He waved politely. 

Y/n smiled, waving back. Following Jungwoo into a dining room. "Here we are."

Yuta and Taeyong sat besides their manager. The manager thanking Jungwoo, who left the room after nodding curtly. 

"Please, take a seat. You must be Y/n."

The interview went well and just a little over a week later Y/n got a call, telling them that they had gotten the job. 

The day Y/n started the job, they got dressed in an outfit they didn't mind getting dirty. And threw on a pair of old messy shoes, that they didn't care if got ruined. 

NCT's house/dorms suddenly seemed bigger than what they had remembered. Knocking on the door, Y/n stood waiting. Glancing around anywhere but at the door. So when it opened, they hadn't noticed. 

"Excuse me? Hi." Jisung said, standing there. Chenle was peering over his shoulder, at Y/n.

"Oh, hi. Jisung and Chenle. Right?" Jisung nodded.

"You're not a crazy fan, right?" Chenle asked. 

"A fan, but not crazy. I've come to pick Ruby and Suki up." Y/n said, kneeling down to stroke the dogs that had come bounding up to them. "I was also in Jisung's class, we also met the day of my interview."

Jisung smiles, remembering where he'd seen the familiar face. 

The first few weeks of dog walking were quiet and lonely.

"Hey. Can I join you?" Jisung asked, one day, out of the blue. 

"Of course, as long as I'm still doing my job." Y/n grinned. 

"Why wouldn't you be?" Jisung frowned. 

They set off on a walk, reaching a lake to walk around. Letting the dogs off the lead, Y/n set off behind them. Jisung jogged to catch up. 

"So are we friends?" 

"Who said we can't be? Why are you asking a silly question Sungie?" Y/n made up a silly nickname.

"Oh right." Jisung smiles. And they continued walking Until the first 2 hour walk of the day was over.

The walk back was full of remembering about the events that happened at school, and Jisung telling stories of the dorms and dance practises. 

Weeks and months passed, Y/n and Jisung hung out more often, especially when dog walking. Chenle joined them in hanging out, not when they went dog walking though, that was sacred time to them. 

The dreamies got used to Y/n being around more often and became close friends with them. Y/n continued walking NCT's dogs, no matter how many they had. 

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