Jaemin - Sick

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Dedicated to @//kpop_fangirl_nct, who requested this from Instagram.

Crystal was walking through the rain. It pouring heavily over her. Soaking her to the bone. Her boyfriend had kicked her out of his apartment. No he was now her ex-boyfriend.

Not even been given a reason why. Crystal didn't cry. She couldn't cry. The moment he kicked her out, she lost all emotions. Went numb. She had all her stuff, which happened to be a suitcase of clothes, makeup, shoes, accessories and her very few possessions she had.

No family to go to, because they all lived back in Thailand. She had moved to South Korea for the soul reason that she learnt their culture. She hadn't an apartment anymore because she had moved in with her boyfriend. He was 18, whereas Crystal was 16.

Jaemin had been out at the park, walking and thinking. He was enjoying his walk before it started pouring it down. So he started making his way home.

He walked past a girl who looked to be his age. She was down-trodden. It was getting worse in the rain. Jaemin saw the suitcase by her feet, saw her coat was clinging to her but she was still drenched.

Sitting down beside her, Jaemin spoke "You okay?"

Nodding, the girl glanced over at him. Noticing his attractive features. Estimating him to be her age maybe older.

"You sure? Would you like to come back to mine? Where you can be warm?" Jaemin asked politely. "I understand if you don't want to be around a stranger."

"Y-you can hardly be a stranger when your 17 and in the biggest group NCT." Crystal spoke.

"You know me from the group?" Jaemin asked. He felt down that was all he was known for. He didn't want to be seen as some popular person from a big group. He wanted to be known for the kind hearted, helpful person he truly was.

Crystal nodded. Staring blankly at the road, hoping Jaemin would leave so she could think alone. 

"Ahh let me take you back to the dorms. Your going to get sick out here." Jaemin held a hand out.

Crystal sighed and took the hand, walking back to the dorms in the pouring rain. Her body soaked and her suitcase feeling like a dead weight, lugging behind her.

"I'm Crystal. I never told you my name.." She whispered. Not daring to speak loud enough in case she did start crying. The reality finally setting in.

Jaemin smiled, holding her cold hand in his. Making sure she was safe. He didn't want her to be left out for all the nasty men on the street. He didn't want her to feel like no one cared.

Pushing the dorm door open, all the dreamies, Taeyong and Lucas were there.

"Got yourself a girlfriend." Lucas smirked.

"No. She happens to be a fan. She's called Crystal. And I saw Crystal sitting on a bench in the pouring down rain on my way home." Jaemin said. Releasing his hands from Crystals and taking her suitcase to his room.

Jaemin shared a room with Chenle. Because Mark and Haechan got to sleep in the 127 dorms. He placed the suitcase beside his bed, and went to run Crystal a bath.

"Ah.. how come you was alone?" Jisung asked. Looking up at Crystal.

"I.. don't feel like explaining it right now." Crystal said. Looking at the ground awkwardly.

Taeyong smiled, and whacked Lucas across the head before he spoke. "Think before speaking Lucas."

Lucas just shrugged. And offered a smile at the girl who was avoiding eye contact.

Jeno quietly got up and took her arm, leading her to Jaemin's room. "Jaemin-ah. Where are you?"

"In the bathroom, running Crystal a bath, why?" Jaemin shouted from his bathroom that he had with Chenle.

"Ahh just wondering." Jeno said. Sitting on Jaemin's bed, pulling Crystal to sit beside him.

Crystal still felt numb. Not sure if it was because she was cold or because of her ex kicking her out for no apparent reason.

Jaemin came into the room, ready to go call Crystal. When he saw her sat beside Jeno, awkwardly. Her hands in her lap so they stopped shaking.

"Your bath is ready." Jaemin told her. "You go relax, and I'll sort you some pajamas for the day."

Crystal walked to the bathroom, closing the door, making sure it was locked. She slipped her clothes off and stepped into the warm bath. Slowly sinking into it, so that her tense, cold body would heat up and relax.

Jaemin had found some pajamas and underwear for Crystal and laid them on the bed. Jeno watched him, he was silent the whole time.

"Ah-Jeno hyung. We should leave the room so she has privacy when she comes out." Jaemin told him.

Once Crystal had warmed up and washed herself off. She decided to get out of the bath as it was lukewarm. She grabbed the towel and slipped around herself. Draining the bath and padding into Jaemin's room.

Locking the door to prevent anyone accidently walking in whilst she was undressed, she dried herself down, wrapped the towel around her head. She made sure to slip her underwear and pajamas on. She towel dried her hair the best she could and ran a brush through it.

Unlocking the door, she put the towel in the wash basket on her way out. And shyly walked into the living room. Taeyong and Lucas were still hanging out with the dreamies.

Jaemin turned around and smiled at Crystal, who smiled back. He patted the space beside him, so Crystal walked over and sat down awkwardly. Jaemin tried introducing her to the conversation he was having with Renjun and Jeno. But she was quiet and didn't want to pay much attention to everyone around her.

The course of the next few days went by. Crystal was bed bound because she had come down with a cold which had soon turned into flu, all due to the fact that she had been in the rain for too long.

Taeyong had told her she could stay as long as she liked. Because she was no bother to them, Jaemin had taken a shine to her.

Crystal didn't dare move her head, nor open her eyes when she heard someone shuffling around the room. Chenle glanced over at her. Deciding to quietly leave the room. Jaemin had been sleeping with Chenle because he didn't want to catch the flu. But he was bound to with the fact that he was looking after all the time.

Jaemin had water and medicine ready for Crystal when she was able to move.

"Ahh, take your time." Jaemin told her.

"Thank you Jaemin. For everything." She muttered.

Jaemin just smiled. "I do this because I care."

She sat there, squeezing his hand gently. To show she had heard what he said, but couldn't speak no more.

"Jaemin.." She whispered.


"Can you help me to the bathroom? I feel sick again." She muttered.

Jaemin gently picked her up, taking her to the bathroom. Placing her by the toilet.

Crystal leaned over the toilet, before throwing up into the bowl. Throwing any medicine she had, any water or food she had managed to take in, all back up.

Jaemin held her hair, rubbing her back gently. Making sure she felt better before helping her brush her teeth and get back into the bed. He flushed the toilet, and made sure there was no remaining sick.

He went to the room and rubbed her back, whilst she fell asleep. Jaemin hummed songs to help sooth her. He had been told before to sleep it off when he had the flu, so that was his only advice for Crystal. Other than drinking plenty of water and trying to eat a little something.

It was about 3 weeks before the flu started easing up for Crystal. But she had accidentally passed it onto Chenle and Jaemin because they all shared a room for the time being.

In turn for Jaemin looking after Crystal, she tried to look after Jaemin and Chenle with Taeyong's help who had a mask on to avoid the germs.

Jaemin was grateful for the sweet act in return.

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