Jaemin - Spine couple

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Dedicated to RayAndTheKilljoys for helping me come up with this idea. My soul mate writing twin/best friend.

"Jaemin-ah. I think it's time we talked." Taeyong said, sitting on Jaemin's bed.

"Yes Taeyong-hyung." Jaemin looked at him. He was currently in bed resting, because of his back problems. He had taken his medication that had been prescribed to him for that day.

"You know, I'm thinking if we get you to go to physiotherapy, it might help you." Taeyong suggested.

Jaemin frowned, "What use will it be?" 

"It'll help you walk, you don't have to perform on stage yet, but we don't like seeing you bed-ridden." Taeyong tells him. Gently placing a hand on Jaemin's. 

Jaemin sighed. "If it helps me hyung." 

"It will, I'll go sort appointments out." Taeyong sends him a heart warming smile.

Jaemin laid in bed, staring at his laptop screen, just watching a random movie he had put on. But his thoughts had traveled to physiotherapy.

Y/N had just had back surgery. They wasn't overly pleased. They had to stay overnight in the hospital. "Hey. How you holding up?" One of the nurses asked. 

"Fine." Was all Y/N said.

"You start physiotherapy tomorrow." The nurse said, smiling. 

Y/N nodded, just closing their eyes, wanting to sleep and forget about tomorrow. All their friends didn't bother caring about them. They just said it was shame they couldn't join them in coming to the NCT and EXO concerts because of the surgery. 

Jaemin looked over his hyung when Taeyong walked in. "Yes hyung?" He questioned.

"You start tomorrow, but because you and this other person have the same problem, they was thinking of putting you together, so you could help each other." Taeyong told him, leaning against the door frame. 

Jaemin looked at him, just nodding. Before directing his eyes to his laptop. 

"You okay?" Taeyong asks. 

"Sort of, hyung.. What happens if I don't get to perform again?" Jaemin asks. 

"You will NaNa. Stop worrying." Taeyong tells him gently. Trying to reassure the 16 year old boy. "You'll be better before your 17th birthday." 

Jaemin just nodded. "I'm going to try and sleep for tomorrow hyung. Oh Taeyong-hyung."

"Yes Jaemin?" Taeyong stops before walking out of the door.

"Will you come with me?" Jaemin asks.

Taeyong smiles. "Of course."

The next day Jaemin was up and ready for his first session. Slowly he moved around, Taeyong had been up and decided to help Jaemin, sit down before having to go out, they needed breakfast. 

Jaemin was nervous for today, so he kept a tight grip on Taeyong's hand throughout the car ride, and all the way through the special place for physiotherapy sessions. Stopping outside the room. Taeyong knocked on the door.

Looking at Jaemin, "I'm going to be right out here okay?" 

Jaemin nodded, someone opened the door, "Hi, you must be Jaemin? I'm Eun." A lovely lady spoke. She had a few tattoos covering her arms. 

Turning around and waving to his hyung, Jaemin walked in, feeling more nervous than ever. "Have a seat whilst we wait for Y/N." Eun told Jaemin with a big smile. "No need to be nervous, I won't hurt you." 

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