Chapter 18-k_thax

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so we at red lobster waiting for miss kayla.....aye but wait I have to say something... Roc/Chres has been acting kinda strange like one day he almost hit me and we was infront of angel

Ej;I dont think shes coming

We waited another 15 minutes before I got impatient. We gathered our things, and walked out of the restaurant. I couldnt believe I saw Kay in her car about to pull off. I rushed everyone Into the car, and followed a little behind her to where ever she lives.

We drove for what seemed like forever, but it was only an hour. I saw Kay go into an apartment building that looked fancy as hell. I waited 10 minutes before we were about to go in.

Roc: Now that you know where she lives, I want to go home, and you can go without me.

Ej: Yeah, I can't go in there and see my first love empty handed.

Nia: Next time, I'm not driving.

I drove all the way home just to drop off the bitch in the backseat *Roc*, and to the store for the bitch in the passenger seat *Ej*. Now I had to drive all the way back to where ever Kay lives. I don't think I ever want to drive anymore.

Once we were in the parking lot of her building, Ej hopped out of the car before I even stopped the car all the way. I parked the car, and just sat to reflect on my thoughts for a minute. When I finally got my lazy ass out of the car, I noticed I had to climb like five flights of stairs. Ej texted me the floor number and room.

Once I reached the top out of breath, I looked to my left and there was a fucking elevator. Why in the hell didn't I see that in the lobby?! Anyway, I lazily walked to Kay's door, and burst through the door like a boss. Her and Ej were making out and about to get into something they couldn't handle. I smacked Kay's hand to get her attention.

Nia: No Intimacy while you're pregnant.

Kay: Nia-

Nia: Kay, please come back home. If you don't, mindless behavior will break up. You're the one holding that house together, and with out you in it, it's hell. Please come back for my sanity?

Kay: Nia I....

What will Kay say?Don't forget to read my books. BYE! ~K_Thax

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