26: Fever Dream | Arc 2

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The system race is often chastised by humans for the lack of creativity that was used when constructing this configuration of worlds. Names and appearances of lead characters and villains were often repeated. So it was no surprise to Sen Jia that the focus of this new story was the Song Clan and that Shuai was called Song Min once again. 

The Song Clan of this world was one of several powerful families that ruled over the land from the shadows. 

Sen Jia's chosen body for this new world had about eight points out of ten in common with his last appearance. Some of the difference was due to him now being a youth of eighteen. 

He hoped the similar appearance would help Sen Shuai recognize him.

This body was chosen partly for the close resemblance and partly due to its current position working near Song Min's father. From this position, Sen Jia was able to quickly secure placement serving Song Min.

His assignment had been to assist Song Min's nanny in caring for the young master and gradually take over the position as she neared retirement. However, he knew she would already be long gone by the time he reached the country estate.

The nanny in charge of Song Min had been keeping most of the money sent for his care over the years for herself. Recently the young master had contracted a terrible fever. He was given sub-par medicine and no doctor was brought to treat him. Finally, she took off with everything and left the young master to die.  

~~~The Beauty Sen Jia

[Administrator, please refrain from over-using me. There was a good amount of energy from the last world but if I run low I will accumulate errors and crash again.]

{When you say there was energy...was that world considered successful?}

[Very successful. The key goals of your modified story were to save and bring happiness to the villain. You saved him in the forest. After that, he was very happy by your side.]

Sen Jia trembled slightly, taking in a sharp breath. The edge of his eyes reddened.

Shuai, I'll bring you even more happiness I promise.

{If you get low on energy, use some of my soul Seventh.}

[....that would violate our agreement Administrator.]

{The agreement is you will never take it from me. This is me giving it freely. I won't hesitate to use your abilities to help Shuai. So please don't hesitate to use a bit of my soul to keep up with my demands.}

[Very well Administrator, it will be as you say. But only as a last resort.]

~~~The Villain Sen Shuai, Song Min

Merging memories is not a comfortable thing, making him feel as if he was living in two worlds simultaneously.

The feverish state of the body made the disorientation even worse. 

Song Min was continuously bobbing around in his subconscious from one life's memories to another. The lives of two separate Song Min's played through his mind, distinct but similar in many aspects. 

In both lives, he felt he was only a tool for his clan to use. Both lives were bloody, dark, cold...lonely.

From within this restless, half-conscious state, he heard an agreeable tune. 

It seemed so familiar and comforting but he couldn't think of why. He struggled to focus on it and managed to open his eyes. His sight was blurry but he thought he saw a beauty, smiling at him lovingly. 

Must be dying then. No one would look at me like that. My dying mind is only showing me what I wanted most. 

He closed his eyes, feeling it wasn't so bad to die while hearing this song and being watched over with such love. Even if it was an illusion.

A cool, soft hand soothed his wrinkled brow. His eyes flew open remembering for a moment where he had heard this song.

"...Jia...." He tried to force out the name but there was no sound, his throat to ragged from crying out for help while feverish the last few days. 


Why did I call that name? ......What name?

There isn't anyone for me to call..... Is there? 

Wasn't there someone like that?

He slowly sank into unconsciousness, but he was no longer fitful and restless. Now his dreams were pleasantly filled with a beauty that wore a loving smile. 

His fever broke and he slept peacefully.


Sen Jia had cheated a little once again. Using his system to travel faster than should be possible from the capital city to this courtyard in a rural village where Sen Shuai now resided.

He quickly got the fever under control and sat humming as he watched over this cute young version of Sen Shuai.

Looking around the room, Sen Jia clicked his tongue.

The furnishings are shabby. The quilt is to light. Can that even be called medicine? Some suspicious weeds...

That greedy bitch of a servant. You just sit tight, this gentleman will come around for a visit soon. We'll have a nice long chat about life and death.

{How is it, Seventh? Can you tell yet what little Shuai's state is?}

[His soul is intact. There is not a second soul in the body.]

Sen Jia sighed in relief, a huge worry gone.

{So only jumbled memories then? That's not as hard to deal with.}

Willful Beauty Takes the Villain | System | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now