Just Not My Day

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Sapphire POV

"Baby get up!" A voice shouted. I popped up to see my father. He scared the hell at me. I looked at him with my low eye's.

"Ok, dad!" I yelled back getting from under my cover. I slowly walked to the bathroom. With every slow stride I felt weak. Cramps slow came to my stomach as I reached for the noob of the door.

"Oh my god" I said knowing that my time of the month was here. WHY! I turned on the shower as I walk to the cabinet under my closet and pulled out a pad. I sluggishly went to my shower. After my shower my whole morning routine was sluggish. Finally finish putting on my sweat pants and white tee. I moved myself to the kitchen. I looked through the fridge for something to eat. Deciding to eat cereal I made the bowl. Then sat at the table.

"Good morning Sapphie" My mom said giving me a kiss and making coffee.

"Can you make me a cup also, please" I said getting up and circling on the calendar my start date. She looked at me and my every motion.

"Sure baby, your time of the month" She said placing the coffee in the coffee maker.

"Yea" I said walking over to the table. Sitting down putting my head on the table. I heard a pill bottle hit the table. I looked up to see my mom with both her hands on the table and her body hovering

"Good because I thought I have to send your dad for Diggy" She said as she walked over to the fridge. Yea ok. She does know who his family is. Right?

"What are you talking about?" I said looking at her.

"Nothing you were just gone so long on Saturday thought you did something you weren't suppose to do" She said walking up the stairs. I shook my head and took a spoon of fruity pebbles in my mouth. After eating my cereal I take a pill my mom put on the table. It still didn't work at the moment. But hey it may just work when I get to school.

"See you later Sapphire" Said my mom from her car. I waved back. I walked into the school. Making my way to my locker. I was tapped on my shoulder. I turned around.

Diggy POV

"Yo, your girl and your side is in the hallway about to turn up on each other" Jacob said walking up to me. I shook my head not believing him. But at the same time believing him. We turned the corner seeing a crowd. Oh shit. I rushed to the crowd. Jacob by my side.

"Excuse me" I said moving people out my way. Sapphire had her hair up and fist balled and Tiffany was just shouting.

"Bitch stay away from him ok bitch!" Tiffany said up in Sapphire's face. Sapphire said nothing trying to keep herself calm.

"Bitch say something!" Tiffany yelled. I shook my head grabbing Tiffany's arm. She snatched her arm from my hand. She looked at me with a death glare.

"What are you doing to her" I said to Tiffany. She turned from me to Sapphire.

"This bitch better stay away from you. You bitch stay away from Daniel." She said putting her hand in Sapphire's face. Sapphire stepped back.

"You stay away from her ok" Tiffany said facing me. She pushed my and I seen Sapphire and she seen red and I knew she did she raised her hand cocking back. I ran over to Sapphire stopping her.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Tiffany said as I struggle to stop the screaming Sapphire.

"Bitch, fuck you. You a lame ass no wall pussy bitch. I would so fuck your ass if it wasn't for Diggy!" Sapphire yelled trying so hard to get from my grip. I called Jacob over to get Sapphire.

"Oh I will fuck your ass up if I see you in the damn streets!" Sapphire shouted threatening Tiffany as Jacob took her down the hall.

"Bitch whatever, Just stay away from Daniel!" Tiffany shouted loud enough for Sapphire to hear.

"Bitch shut the fuck up. I will don't wo-" Sapphire said as she was dragged away. Jacob cut her off by covering her mouth.

"Now that's settled" Tiffany said looking at me with a smile. The hallway cleared in the matter of seconds. Tiffany leaked our arms and we walked to first period.

Jacob POV

"Calm down" I said trying to calm the shouting Sapphire. Casey walked down the hallway. She gave me a kiss and walk over the pacing Sapphire.

"Bitch better watch out I will fuck her ass up!" Sapphire yelling these crazy threats. I laughed I never seen her like this. Well imagine her like this.

"Sapph calm down, I won't let you do that" Casey said as Alina and Kym ran to her from down the hallway.

"You alright" Alina said looking at Sapphire.

"I got to fuck that bitch!" Kym said all pumped up.

"I got to get Loco and Psycho on her ass!" Alina said. I looked at her. Sapphire, Kym and Casey laughed.

"No don't get them dogs on her" Sapphire said laughing. Oh, Loco and Psycho are dogs.

"I want to put MY paws on that bitch!" Sapphire semi yelled. I shook my head.

"No one is going to put paws on anyone. Not while around" Casey said. I love my peacemaker.

"Ok we just won't beat her ass while your ass is around" Alina said giving Kym a high five. I laughed so hard. Casey walked over to me.

"Their not funny. Don't laugh at them" Casey said with a frown rolling her eyes. I pulled her in a hug and swayed side to side. Her arms went around me.

"You two are make me sick I'm going to class" Sapphire said picking up her bag and walking to class with Alina and Kym on her sides. We laughed. Might as well go to class also.

Tiffany POV

"This Bitch" I said looking at the bitch come in the class. She looked at me like she heard me and rolled her eyes and stuck up her middle finger. This bitch.

"Stupid ass bitch" I said facing the front Diggy on the phone texting. This time when I looked over. It said Mom. He didn't lock the screen ever. I'm surprised I think I might go back to enjoying being the only one. The class ended shortly after and it was time for second class. I took Diggy's arm walking to the door. We ended up side by side with this bitch. We have to spend this whole day with this bitch in our classes. This just ain't my day is it.

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