Baby's Day Out

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Diggy's POV

I followed behind Sapphire. She stopped. She started to back up. I backed up also. She began to park her car. We must be here. I find a parking space across the street from Sapphire's spot. Making a u-turn to the other side of the road. Sapphire had Chris in her arms walking in the Dave & Buster's.

"Ok" I whispered as I parked the car. I turned and removed the car keys from the ignition. Hopping out the car and locking it.

"Yo Dig, wait!"Jacob shouted to me. Casey behind him. I waited for them. Half way to me, I walked across the street not waiting for them anymore. I made it to the glass door. People going up and down the colorful streets of the night. I enter the building moving from the bottom floor to the top on a escalator. Reaching the second level Jacob and Casey was entering the building. I shook head and walked in to the Dave & Buster's. I seen Kym and Alina at the card machine.

"Where we at?" I asked stopping by them. Alina pointed behind her. I looked and I spotted Sapphire.

"Thanks" I said walking to the table. Sapphire was taking Chris's jacket off.

"Got your card filled?" I asked taking Chris's jacket from her and putting it to the side. I sat down at the table.

"No, they doing it for me. Over there procrastinating" Sapphire said putting Chris against her chest. I removed my coat as a hand tapped my shoulder.

"Move over please?" Casey asked.

"Ask your friend to move over" I said in a smart way pointing at Sapphire.

"She has a baby" She said not making sense.

"What does Chris have to do with her moving over?" I asked confusedly.

"I don't know just move over" She said moving my body and sitting down. Kym and Alina came back handing Sapphire a gaming card.

"Your fired!" Sapphire semi-yelled snatching the card from Kym.

"What?" Alina asked.

"You two was staling to get my card back to me. I trying to win a big dog!" Sapphire shouted pointing at the extra large claw machine in the back of the Dave & Buster's. Kym, Alina and I started to laugh. Casey and Jacob had sneak away.

"Go win your dog then" Alina said.

"I will" Sapphire said smiling running to the machine.

"That's your's" Kym said pointing at me. Leaving minutes after with Alina. I got up to fill my card.

Sapphire's POV

"Yes, come on" I said to the machine. I been here for ten minutes and I still didn't win anything. Until the blue pillow in the claw was dropped in the retrieving area.

"Let's go!" I yelled as I swipe the card once again. I was really trying to win a big doggy. Christopher laid on my chest as I moved the claw around. I dropped the claw and it grabbed the dog.

"Yes, now bring it back" I said as the dog start to slip. It was half way from being mine. Arms went around my waist and yanked me back. In the process I kicked machine and the dog dropped.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. I turned looking at Diggy.

"I didn't do anything you kicked it" Diggy said shrugging.

"Now you have to get me the doggy" I said pointing at the machine. He rolled his eyes and moved me softly out his way. He swiped his card. I watched as he picked the dog up by its foot. It slowly but surely made it to the retrieving area. I sucked my teeth.

"First time luck" I said as I grabbed the dog and pillow.

"So let me do it again" Diggy said swiping his card once again. Dropping the claw he grabbed a red pillow. It look like it was about to fall but it didn't. He pulled it from the retrieving area and we walked off.

"Let me get him" Diggy said. I handed him to Christopher. Diggy grabbed the dog instead.

"Ugh, I hate you. Who said it was a he?" I said asking. He laughed.

"I said it was a boy. You want it to be a girl?" Diggy asked as we sat at the table.

"Yes!" I said putting the pillow in the crook of my arm and laying Christopher on it.

"Well to bad! It's a boy and that's final!" Diggy semi-yelled. I laughed.

"Well it ain't your dog!" I said yanking it from him. I put to my side and smiled at him.

"Hey were hungry. Were going to order, are you two hungry?" Alina said walking up to the table.

"Yeah I can use a burger and fries" I said Alina looked at Diggy.

"I would take the same she's having" Diggy said pointing at me. Casey, Kym and Jacob came to the table also.

"Ok two burger and fries. Cheese?" Alina asked. I nodded.

"Sure" Diggy said looking at Alina. She nodded her head walking off. She dragged Casey, Kym,and Jacob with her.

"Want to play a few games well we wait?" Diggy asked getting up.

"Yep, let's go" I said as Diggy helped me up from my seat. We walked over to the ticket winning games.

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