The Fight

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Sapphire's POV

"BITCH!" I yelled as I seen red. I continued to punch her in her face as I pulled to the root of her tracks. I felt arms wrap around my waist. It pulled me away from Tiffany. Not long after Tiffany was being tugged with me because of the grip I had on her hair.

"Let go!" Kym's voice yelled. It sound look she was far away.

"Let go!" Kym's voice repeated this time with Alina joining in. It sound louder this time. The person carrying me put me down. 3 pair of hands tried to make me release her hair. I felt the thread in her tracks pop slowly. 2 more pair of hands tried to help Tiffany by getting me to let go of her hair. I latched on tighter so they couldn't make me let go.

"Get here off my damn head!" Tiffany yelled making me angry. I tightened my grip even hard. It felt like my nails were going through my hand. Feeling and hearing her weave ripping from her head made me tug harder. I my foot on top of her head and pushed down on my foot. Finally the track ripped from her braid. Once again being carried somewhere. The red in my vision had wore away. I was put down and leaned against a wall.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Diggy yelled as he stood in front of me. He's going to stop yelling at me or he will get a beat down too.

"Stop yelling at me Daniel! I'm not your child!" I yelled back. He took a deep breath.

"Why did you do that to her" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Cause I want to. Tell your girlfriend to stop yelling at me and getting in my face and she won't get her ass whooped like that" I said calmly as I put my hand up with the weave in it. He started to laugh.

"I'll tell her. But can we continue our conversation?" He asked. I rolled my eyes as I tried to escape. But Diggy pushed his body against my.

"Daniel move" I said nonchalantly. He didn't even budge as I tried pushing him. He just shook his head.

"DANIEL MOVE!" I yelled as I tried squeezing my body from in between the wall and his body. I put my hand up to hit him but he pinned my hand above my head. He took my other hand and pinned above my head also.

"Can we continue our conversation now?" He asked once again. I didn't say a word.

"Ok, then" He said as his lips kissed my neck. He kissed softly on my spot. I tried so hard to not moan. Then started to swirl his tongue on my spot and not moaning was out of the question.

"Daniel please stop. You have a girlfriend" I moaned. He stopped and looked at me.

"Ok, and we did it before. We can't do it again?" He questioned.

"No we can't do it again. I would have to beat your bitch up again" I said as he backed up. I slipped away and walked down the hall. Alina and Casey heading my way.

Diggy's POV

I leaned against the wall as Sapphire walked down the hall as her friends meet her. Jacob walked from behind them and headed my way.

"Yo, you need to get your girl. She looking for you" Jacob said finally making his way to me. I sighed.

"Where is she" I said as Jacob pointed in the direction of Sapphire and her friends.

"Let's go" I said as I walked down the hall. Jacob stopped me.

"Me. No no no, my girl right there. Your girl could be right there also but you want Tiffany. So you go get her" Jacob said going over to Casey, one of Sapphire's friends. Also that's his girlfriend.

"Ok, whatever" I said walking down the hall to Tiffany. Looking at her face it was scratched up and she had a black eye. Sapphire has one of her tracks.

"Daniel. Where were you" Tiffany said as I reached where she stood. One eye closed shut and the other one wide looking at me.

"You need a nurse. Let's go" I said as I griped her hand and pulled her to the nurse's office. What she really needs is a hospital. We walked down the hallway Sapphire was in. Sapphire was not beat up at all.

"Stupid bitch" Tiffany whispered as we walked pass Sapphire. Walking pass multiple snickering people made me laugh a bit. I stopped when she notice. She cursed me out all the way to the nurse's office. I let her. No point of arguing, she ain't worth it

Tiffany's POV

"Your an asshole you know" I said as we walked into the nurse's office. I sat down as Diggy went to alert the nurse of our present.

"What happe-. Wow, want happened to you?" The nurse questioned.

"I got into a fight" I said as she looked at me.

"With who. Someone in the school?" The nurse questioned again.

"No someone from outside" Diggy said for me. The nurse nodded her head and went to her desk.

"Why would you tell her that. Sapphire did this" I said quietly. He shook his head.

"You don't need to be in trouble again so this is to keep you out any other situation" He said as he sat down next to me. He is right I don't need to be in trouble for anymore altercation. The nurse came over to me with multiple band-aid and alcohol pads. She must of beat me bad. Ohh, I hate this bitch right now.

"Stay still ok" The nurse said. I nodded my head as she opened the alcohol pads.

"This will sting a bit" She said as she placed the alcohol pad to the cut on my cheek. She's rite it does sting. She placed it on my eyebrow. She began to rub in circles.

"Ow, shit" I said as I looked at the nurse. She stopped and placed the band-aids on my cuts. The way she looked at me made me feel like a mess.My hair feels like it's a mess. I'll just have check and see.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I asked the nurse. She was writing a nurse's pass. She looked up from the form and nodded her head. She continued with the form. I looked around the room, spotting a corridor behind a wall.

"I'll be back, asshole" I said still angry at Diggy for laughing at me and helping that thot. He nodded and laughed as I walk to and down the hall to the bathroom. I made it in the bathroom closing the door and turning on the light.

"I look a mess" I whispered to myself as I looked in the mirror. My hair everywhere, band-aids all on my face, and a track missing. I can't stay in school like this. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

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