Family Day With Sapphire pt. 2

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Diggy's POV

"Hi, welcome back. Thank you for making it!" My mom's voice echoed. She walked in with Sapphire by her side. I stood in the kitchen as Vanessa and Angela walked up to me.

"Who is that?" Vanessa asked me. I shrugged as Angela looked at me. The way she looked she knows more then

Vanessa does at this moment.

"You know her just tell us who she is" Angela said looking at Sapphire as she conversed with our mother.

"Why do I always got to know the girls? Why can't you ask Russy?" I said pointing at him. They looked so unpleased with my answer. I laughed.

"Daniel, stop playing and tell me who she is that's all we want" Vanessa said upset.

"That's Sapphire. I brung her here and now mom likes her. She don't talk to me no more" I said walking between them. Well more like tried to walk between them. They locked there hips together so I couldn't exit the kitchen.

"Why?" They both asked in unison. I tried to push through them but it wouldn't work.

"Tiffany told her to stay away so she's staying away" I said as they opened the fencing they made with there hips and let me pass.

"Tiffany, I don't like her" I heard Angela say. Vanessa agreed to the statement just made. I continue into the living room to see Russy talking to Sapphire. They laughed with each other. What's so funny.

"Hey what's so hilarious over here?" I said slipping into the conversation.

"Russy I'll talk to you later. Mr. Simmons!" Sapphire said leaving us standing there. Russy left a few seconds after agreeing to talk to Sapphire later.

"So how was school this week?" I heard my father question Sapphire.

"Great actually, I'm been doing some extra testing this week so I can graduate this year" She said happily. Vanessa joined the conversation by congratulating her.

"Thanks, I'm sorry I'm Sapphire" Sapphire politely greeted herself to Vanessa. They shook hands and started to converse with each other and my father.

"So you weren't suppose to graduate this year?" Vanessa said. She nodded her head.

"Yes, I'm actually a Junior but this year they said I can graduate" Sapphire explained.

"Wow, a smart that's good" My dad said looking at me.

"Well dinner is ready!" My mom yelled for everyone to come to the dining room. We exited the living room and headed to the dining room.

"Take a seat. I would love to say prayer" My father said as we sat. He started The prayer as we bowed our heads. After the prayer be talked and ate.

"So Diggy how is the new music coming?" My mom asked. I smiled.

"It's coming really good. Just need the fans to love it" I said. My mom nodded her head. She continue to eat.

"Don't worry, they will love it!" Angela said eating the food on her plate. It got a bit quiet after. All you could hear is the forks hitting the plates and Sapphire and Miley's voices. Miley started to snicker lightly.

"What's so funny Miley?" I asked. Sapphire and Miley put there head up.

They both looked like a deer caught in a head light.

"Nothing" Miley laughed as she continue to eat food. Sapphire looked down at Miley and shook her head. Doing something under the table and going back to her plate. I notice her hair. She had bangs it looked nice on her. But I didn't complimenting her I just went back to my plate.

Sapphire's POV

"May I use your bathroom" I said asking Mrs. Simmons.

"Yes you could. You don't have ask you know" Mrs. Simmons said. I laughed as I walked to the bathroom. We already ate dinner so we stay and waited until the pies were ready. Mrs. Simmons made 6 pies. 2 sweet potato, 2 apple and 2 cookie and cream ice cream pies. I walked to the bathroom to use it and fix my make up. I finished handling my business and washed my hands. I pulled out my lip gloss as I applies it to my lips the door opened, closed and lock. I turned.

"What do you want?" I said as I leaned in the sink. He didn't answer me.

"Diggy what do you want from me?" I asked trying to walk past him.

"I want to talk with you" Diggy said.

"I don't want to talk to you. So leave me alone and let me go!" I said semi yelling.

"Sit down" Diggy said I stood up testing his.

"Sapphire, just sit down damn!" Diggy whisper-yelled pointing at the toilet seat. I rolled my eyes as I sat.

"What do you want to talk about?" I said with a attitude.

"Why are you not talking to me?" He asked. What a stupid question to ask.

"Why are you still with Tiffany?" I asked. He sighed.

"Answer my question first" He said.

"Because you didn't even try to stop her when we were arguing. Now answer my question" I said as I put my back on the toilet tank.

"I did try to stop her!" Diggy yelled. I shook my head I stood up. I tried to leave. He stopped me. We spun I was by the door and he was now by the toilet.

"You didn't try hard enough! Now answer my damn question!" I shouted. He sighed again leaning sitting on the toilet seat. I leaned on the door waiting for his answer.

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