New Boy

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Alina's POV

"Now class take out your binder's" My geometry teacher, Mr. Vander said.

We pulled out our binders and the school phone rung.

"Quiet down class" He spoke as he began to walked over to the phone.

"No!" A voice yelled from the back. He looked back as everyone laughed. I laughed a bit also. He turned and continued to the phone. He picked it up.

"Good Morning" He spoke.

"Ok, he or she?" He questioned.

"Ok, when is Mr. Jackson coming to my class?" He asked.

"Ok, sure I will do that right now. Send him up" He said as he hung up the phone. He looked around the class. Then he looked to me.

"We have a new student arriving in a minute. Is it ok if he took this seat?" He whispered to me. Pointing at the seat on my right separating me from the girls on my right.

"No, it's ok. He could sit here" Mr. Vander smiled.

"So you heard?" He said. I nodded. He nodded and walk to the door. He opened it and began to teach.

"A candy factory produces 20,000 gum balls per week and uses 282.7 liters of candy mixture. What size are the gum balls? Answer the question." He said. Multiple people asking he to repeat the problem. He shook his head and walked around the class. I was good at it so I was done in a few minutes.

"Done Mr. V" I said raising my head. He walked my way. The girls on my right looked at me in envy.

"That's correct" He said pointing at my paper. I smiled.

"Mr. Vander" A male voice spoke. Mr. Vander turned facing the tall male figure.

"Good Morning, you must be Trevor. This is your seat" Mr. Vander said pointing to the seat next to me.

"Cool" He said sitting down. The girls behind me and on the right of him started to giggle and tried to hit on him.

"Thots" I whispered to myself. I felt a foot kick the back of my chair.

"What did you say?" The girl that kicked my chair asked. I didn't say anything to her.

"Bitch scarred to say something. Cat got your tongue?" One of her minions said. I rolled my eyes. Call me a bitch again.

"Stupid Bitch" said the bitch behind me. That's it. I stood up. I pushed my desk out the way. Slamming my hands on the desk in front of me.

"Bitch call me a bitch again! I will beat the shit out of you!" I yelled. Nothing slipped out they mouths.

"What cat got your ducking tongues. Oh, I said you are thots! Ya'll need to get a education before some boys! You all are whores" I yelled in pointed at the group of bitches in front of me.

"A disgrace to your families." I said pulling my desk back in place and sitting down.

"Ok, get back to work" Mr. Vander said. Everyone just started to laugh at the situation. Others instigating telling her to come at me. But the bitch ain't stupid. I looked at the clock just a few more minutes.

Trevor's POV

"So um could you show me around?" I asked the girl on my left. She looked at me and smiled.

"Sure, I'm sorry you had to se me like that" She said. I laughed.

"No problem. You do what you have to sometimes" I said. She nodded and went back to her work.

"I didn't catch your name" I said. She looked back up at me.

"Alina" She said as her hazel eyes pierced into mine. I nodded.

"Trevor" I said. She smiled.

"Nice to meet you Trevor" She said.

"Nice to meet you too Alina" I said as the bell rung. She got up as the girl she yelled at walked pass her. Alina mean mugged her. She waited for her to clear her path then Alina would continue to walk.

"Let's go. What class do have next?" She asked me. I pulled out my schedule and handed it to her. She laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"We have three classes together. The next class were together again and then after lunch" She said as I followed at her side. We headed to the next class. She handed me my schedule.

Sapphire's POV

"You see Alina. Who is that with her? I asked Kym as we walked down the hall. She shrugged.

"That might be the new boy everyone is talking about" Casey said.

"Alina got a new boy?" Kym asked. Casey nodded her head.

"What's his name?" I asked as we stopped by a window. Casey shrugged.

"Alina might know it?" Kym said as we started for our class again.

"Duh if she walking with him to class" Casey said to Kym. I laughed.

"Let me get to class. I'll talk to you two later" I said as I walked into my next class.

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