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Casey's POV

"Can we get on the bus?" Alina asked. I shook my head. We were currently walking to our destinations with Sapphire.

"You got a metro card?" I asked. She shook her head.

"We could buy one" Alina said. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Where Alina" I said. She pointed at the Western Union in front of us. Alina and I took off to the mini building. Sapphire behind us as we entered the small warm room.

"It's warm in here" Alina asked as we walked to the short line. Sapphire behind us as we waited. 3 minutes later we were purchasing our metro cards.

"Here you go" The female cashier said as she passed us the metro cards and we handed her the money.

"Thank You" Sapphire said. We started heading to the door sooner then we thought.

"There goes the bus" I said as Alina and I took off to it. We stopped at the curb as the green light turned red.

"Let's go" Sapphire said as the walk signal showed. We walked as fast as we could to make it to the approaching bus. I opened the plastic around the metro card and entered the bus. Putting the card in the machine it made a beeping sound that meant I was able to continue on to the bus. Sapphire and Casey did the same. They followed behind me as we walked to the back of the bus.

"What are you two doing for Christmas?" I asked as the bus pulled off. We settled in our seats before we started our conversation.

"Nothing much just shopping" Sapphire answered. I nodded.

"What about you Alina" I asked. She shrugged.

"Well I'm doing the regular" I said as the bus came to a halt. More people got on and some exited the bus.

"Hey why don't we do a Secret Santa this year?" Alina asked. The bus pulled off again.

"That would be good" I said as I thought about it.

"Yea I could pick names randomly and text it to all of you" Sapphire suggested. I nodded my head.

"Yeah that would be good. Where will we gather at though?" I asked as the bus came to another halt.

"Your place Casey" Sapphire said.

"Cool, then it's settled. Make sure you do the names tonight and message everyone to see if they want to participate" I said Sapphire. She nodded her head. In no time my stop was here.

Alina's POV

"See you later Casey" I said as she walked off the bus. It left me and Sapphire.

"Sapphire when are you going shopping?" I asked as the bus took off down the block.

"This weekend why?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me?" I said hoping she said yes.

"Is Trevor coming with you?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Nope I'll go by myself" She said as people piled on the bus.

"Why not?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I don't want to be a third wheel" She said.

"Bring Diggy with you" I begged. She shook her head once again.

"No, I will not take him with me. I already got to take Christopher with me" She said. I rolled my eyes.

"What about Sunday?" I asked. I really need Sapphire with me. She can shop I don't know to much about getting people stuff.

"Ok I'll come but you have to come without Trevor I don't want to be a third wheel. All the lovey things you two do I don't want to be around it" She said.

"You a hater" I said. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well in telling the truth. You wouldn't like to be a third wheel with Diggy and I?" She asked. I would kill her if she thought about it.

"I would kill you" I said as I notice my stop was a stop away.

"Exactly. See you Sunday" Sapphire said noticing my stop was up also. A few seconds letter I was heading off the bus.

Sapphire's POV.

"Thanks again Sir" I said speaking to the bus driver and exiting the bus.

"No problem. Have a nice evening" He said. I had to walk down three long blocks to get to my house. While walking I heard voices. They were familiar too. I continued to walk though.

"Bitch turn around" One of the voices said. Who the hell. I turned to be looking at Jennifer and Tiffany.

"What do you two want?" I asked as they approached me. They didn't say anything. Tiffany looked at me as her hand went across my face. I went to her, knocking her back to the ground and climbing on top of her. I punched her a few times until I felt my hair being tugged.

"Get her Tiff!" Jennifer yelled as I laid on my back. I tried to get up but I was pulled back down by my hair. Tiffany climbed on top of me and hit me hard on my jaw. Repeating these punches I reached my hand up and wrapped her hair in my hand and pulled her down. She was knocked to her side. I punched her few more times. She was spitting blood. Then my hair was pulled again.

"Get off of her bitch" Jennifer said as she continued to hit me in my jaw. I could hear it crack as I also heard sirens. I bend forward which made her bend down. I took her head in my arms and pulled her body forward. She was now on her back. I repeatedly hit her as hard as I could you could hear her head hit the cold concrete. The sirens got closer soon enough I was stopped by a cop.

Jennifer's POV

"You are going to the station after you get cleaned up." A officer said to me. I was currently seating in a back of a ambulance truck. Three surrounded the area. One for Sapphire, Tiffany and I.

"Put your head up" The paramedic said. I did as was told as she cleaned my neck. My truck sit right across from Sapphire's. The paramedic touch her jaw as she flenched.

"That hurts" She said to the paramedic. He had laid her back and strapped her to the stretcher. The other paramedics put her in the back of the truck. The male caring for her went to one of the officers. They talked for a bit until the paramedic went back to the truck and climb in the back and closed the doors. Soon enough they pulled off.

"You ok?" Tiffany said as she walked over to me. She had a black eye, a busted lip and a few scratches. I had a bloody nose and a few scratches.

"Yeah. I'm good" I said as the female caring for me tapped my leg.

"Your good to go" She said. I got down from the truck and she closed the door.

"You know what happened to Sapphire?" Tiffany asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I could care less what happened to her" I said as two officers walked up to us.

"You have the right to remind silent. Anything you say will be use against your case. You are being arrested for assault." One of the officers said as both of them hand cuffed Tiffany and I. We were pulled to separate cars. Soon we were off to the nearest precinct.

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