Recess Ending School Beginning

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Sapphire's POV

"The Fuck" I silently cursed looking at my cellphone

"What's wrong?" Casey asked.

"It's so early, and cold" I said in a whining tone. Kym sucked her teeth.

"Calm down it's not the cold" Kym said. I looked at like she was stupid.

"It's freezing, girl shut up" Alina said in a shouting tone. I snickered as they started to argue playfully.

"Shush you two" Casey said as a teacher shouted for my class to go to the auditorium.

"Senior class 207, to the auditorium" I headed to the auditorium after saying goodbye to the girls.

"Hey get it!" I heard the girls yell running over to me as I stood in the entrance of the auditorium.

"Why are you not in class?" I asked.

"This is our class" Casey said. She had one headphone on. Should've Kissed You by Chris Brown blasted out one headphone plug.

"Take your headphones out?" I asked. She tugged at the headphone input and the headphones came out.

"I should've kissed you, I should've told you how I feel" Chris voice sung.

"Let's find some seats" I said as I sat two rows behind the front row. So basically the third row. Diggy sat in the fifth row. How I know is because on the way to my seat I calculated how far I should sit way from he and his demon girlfriend.

"So how was your New Years?" Kym smiled while biting her lip.

"Not as good as yours you go first miss missy" Casey said looking at her face. She laughed as we looked at her.

"Ok, my New Years went well" She started.

"Ok how did it go well?" Alina asked

"Shush let me finish, ok so I shared my first time with Jonathan" She spoke. I smiled.

"How did it feel?" Casey asked. A smile appeared on Kym's face.

"So good. I thought it would hurt but..." She said in a daze.

"How was yours Alina?" I asked trying not to be picked to tell how may weekend went.

"Boring, Trevor was at his grandparents house and you all were doing something"she said. Casey smiled and opened her mouth but nothing came out. She snapped her head at me but before she can say anything.

"I'll go last and I'm sure about that" I said before leaning back in my seat.

"Ok. So I was at Jacob's house because his mom cooked and I was invited and I met his father" She said a excited voice.

"So you liked it. How was meeting his father?" Alina asked.

"It's cool and he's cool but Ms. Taylor wants me to call her Ma or Mama but it's not comfortable to me" She said in a sigh.

"I call Trevor's mom by her first name but with mama in front of it?" Said Alina. I thought of it and it wasn't a bad idea. But I was used to calling Mrs. Simmons 'Ma'.

"Oh that's not bad at all I was kinda of having the same problem" Kym said.

"Mama Tonya" Kym continued.

"Mama Tish. I like that" Casey said smiling.

"Ok now it's your time Sapphire" Alina said as they all face me. It got silent as I heard people moving.

"Everyone move closer to the front!" A teacher yelled Diggy, Tiffany and Jennifer sat in front of us.

"Ok, so it was horrible. I give the necklace back" I said in a whisper. They looked so confused.

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