chapter sixteen

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"You're the dad! You're the father, Kai!" She says. My hearts stops beating.

We are both bawling, but I kiss her face. I pick up the baby and cuddle him. I couldn't be more happy about this.

"They let me out early." I tell her.

She takes my hand. "You're already a great dad."

This lights up my world, because that's all I want to be. The first month with the baby was hard. It also took us a while to figure out a name.

Dawson Benjamin Corbett.

Benjamin is my middle name. I love him so much. He already has a huge personality. I can't believe he's mine. Amber was the best mother. Always on the ball, never forgetting anything. I loved her.

"Hey, babe can you get that?" She asks.

I get out of bed and check the time. 3:26 am. Geez. I walk over to Dawson's room. I pick him up and feed him a bottle. I rock him on my chest. I loved him. So, so much.

That day Amber Dawson and I went to go visit my family. My sister is 23. My dad is 50 something. My mom was only 44 when she died. She died almost 4 years ago. I miss her. My dad has never met Dawson, so this is their chance. Lily, my sister, is 8 months pregnant with her 3rd child. When Lily was 17, she got pregnant in high school. My parents didn't kick her out. I was already moved out. She had the baby, then 2 year later, at college, she meets a guy and gets pregnant by him. I quickly got married to act like they weren't pregnant before marriage. My mom didn't buy it. I didn't buy it. But Lily said she loved him so we believed her. She had the baby. Now, it's 4 years later, and she is pregnant again with the same guy. Lily's second child was born the day my mother died. My mom was in a car on her way to meet the little baby, and got into a car accident. It took a year for Lily to realize it wasn't her fault.

It wasn't her fault.

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