chapter thirty-eight

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Kai and I really wanted a baby now so I couldn't drink any wine, and I had to eat certain things to get the fertility pills to work.

After Kai and I found out that he's Zoe's father, it made us more aware of how much we loved our kids, and how much we really wanted this.

I had loads of pregnancy tests in my drawer, so I take one out and pee on it. I wait, and flip it over. It's become so routine, that I don't even expect a positive.

But then it was a positive. I flipped out. How was I supposed to wait until he got home to tell him? My gosh I couldn't wait.

Kai got home at 5, and Dawson and Zoe got home at 4:30. Finally, they bust through the doors, and show me everything they did and got at school today. While they were talking, I was imagining another little boy or girl coming and showing me too.

So as Kai walks in the door, he tackles the kids and kisses me, and I smile the biggest yet.

After dinner, after the kids are in bed, Kai sits on the couch waiting to open his present.

He opens it up.

He pulls out the pregnancy test and a huge smile crosses his face.

He gives me a huge hug and tells me how excited he was.

At our appointment, while the kids were in school,  Kai squeezes my hand. I hope they find a heartbeat.

Our sweet doctor walks in. "Let's find a heart beat this time, shall we?" She says.

"Yah." Kai says.

"Okay, looking for it," She says as she moves the wand around my belly.

The heartbeat sounded. I look up at Kai and smile.

"Healthy baby! Wait a minute." She says and moves the monitor towards her.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask.

"No," She says and keeps moving it around.

The heartbeat keeps sounding.

"There's more than one heartbeat, Amber." She says.

"What? Twins?" I ask shocked.

"No, triplets." She tells us.

"What?" Kai asks.


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