chapter forty-three

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Kai leaves for work, and then leaves the next day.

Then, I was two days late. I think I was a day late with Zoe, but when you're planning on having a home birth you better not be late.

My phone rings.

"Hey, babe, I just got called to go down to San Francisco. It won't take long." He tells me.

"What if the baby comes?" I ask.

"It'll take six hours, tops. Do you think you're having a baby in six hours?" He asks.

"No, I haven't had any contractions." I say.

"Well, maybe call Lily and Carol over to help with the kids. I'm sorry." He says.

"It's okay, go be a business man." I laugh.

"You don't have that baby without me, Amber." He tells me.

"I won't." I say back.

Lily and Carol come over, even my mom. I give them all big hugs, because I missed them all.

"How's my baby girl doin?" My mom asks as she hugs me tightly.

"Hanging on, thanks so much for coming." I say.

It's dark outside, and cold. I set up their beds, and we head out for dinner. With 5 kids it's a task, but we get it done. As we walk out of the car and we are on the porch, I pee myself.

How embarrassing. This has never happened to me before. As Carol puts the kids to bed, I sit down because I'm exhausted.

"Are you sure you peed yourself?" Lily asks.

"Um, yah, what else would it be?" I ask.

"Your water breaking?" She says in a sarcastic manner.

Right as she says that, a huge contraction hits me like a brick, and it felt like it was an hour long, but it was only three minutes.

They start to time me, so that we can see if I'm actually in labor.

And this was labor.

My back pain was so bad, and my whole body aches even when then contraction was over.

I call Kai. He doesn't answer. "Kai, you better answer. I'm in labor." I say sternly.

I put the phone down and let out a yell, because it hurt so bad.

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