Party Time

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Niall's Pov

We had just on our way to Liam's house for his birthday party.  Once we reached his house it was packed as ever. After an hour or so I started to feel thirsty so I headed down Harry was making out with some random girl in the middle of the dance floor. I felt an uneasy feeling in my chest which I recognised as jealousy. Harry is so perfect he's handsome, smart, cute. I then realized I had a crush on Harry. There is a slight part of me that wanted Harry to be gay or altleast bisexual so that maybe we could be together...... I couldn't handle seeing him make out with the girl so I left when I saw Harry come near me. I was walking on the street when I heard someone shout "Hey Niall, wait for me." I turned around and saw Harry trying to catch up with me. I turned back and walked fast trying to avoid him because tears were streaming down my face and my eyes were puffy and wet.

Harry's POV
After I kissed Stella I met Niall's eyes and saw a look of disappointment and sadness present in his eyes. I left after I saw Niall leaving. I yelled "Hey Niall wait for me " Niall completely ignored me and continued walking. I ran and caught up with him while tackling him. Niall fell down with me on top of him. I looked into his eyes and said "Hi" Niall asked "Haz, what do you want? " with tears visable in his eyes. I held my hand for Niall to stand up. As soon as Niall stood up, I brought him into a bone crashing hug and I rested my head on top of Niall's head.

Niall's Pov
After Harry hugged me I broke down and started crying in his chest. Harry rubbed his hands along my back. Harry asked "Nialler,what's wrong? Are you okay? "I replied "Haz, please don't hate me. I have a crush on you " Harry said "Niall,i can never hate you because I have a crush on you also " I asked slowly looked up and kissed Harry. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back. I asked "Harry, if you like me then why did you kiss that girl?" Harry answered "I wanted to tell you that I have a crush on you but then Stella kissed me and kissed back imagining you were her. Plus I was slightly tipsy. Only once you left I became sober as I chased after you " I said "wanna go back to the  party? "

Harry's Pov
After Niall asked me that question I replied "Sure, but before that Niall would you please be my boyfriend?" Niall replied "Yes Hazza" and we both kissed.  After that we both we went back and enjoyed Liam's birthday party as boyfriends...

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