Friendship Day special

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Niall's Pov

I'm woken up at 8 am because of loud noises. I mean who wakes up so early on a holiday. I quickly get out of bed and do my morning duties when I remember today is friendship day.
I quickly run down the stairs and yell "Happy Friendship Day " . The lads just said "Wish you the same " without even looking up from their phones. Harry placed the breakfast on the table and said "Happy Friendship Day Ni" and slides down to sit on my lap since we were staying in an oyo apartment in Dallas and they had miscounted the number of chairs.
I quickly wrapped my arms around Harry as he turned around and started feeding me. Louis Said "Harry, how we hit the malls today and then we can Eleanor and your sister for lunch? "  Harry said "sure" and after breakfast they both went saying goodbye to all the lads but forgot me. Liam and Zayn left a few minutes later to meet their respective girlfriends ...
What a horrible friendship day I was having. All alone with no-one And also I had a crush oh Hazza.
I didn't eat the other meals since I was so sad.... Late night when I was scrolling through WhatsApp I noticed that on our group the lads mentioned that they will be back only after a couple of days.
I cried  and  decided to stay up all night waiting for the lads to come back.
A couple of days passed. I did my morning duties and changed my clothes but refused to eat anything since I was feeling weak and taking  tablets to stay up all night on an empty stomach.

Authors Note

Happy Friendship Day Everyone.
I love each and every one of you.
I updated today since it is friendship day.

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