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Harry's Pov

"I hate you Niall. You never know when to be fun or serious please just go I don't want to see your face anymore. "  Niall started crying as he tried to defend his actions but I turned a blind eye to that.
It took all my willpower to not hug Niall. It's going to be hard since we are a part of the same band but I need to try...

Niall's Pov

I Can't believe that Harry is angry at me just because I helped someone. It's not my fault that she was being flirty...
I left Harry and my shared house and went to the nearby sea to ponder over my thoughts... It was raining very heavily just perfect for my thoughts as soon as I reached I took a seat on the band and watched the strong current. The water looks so pretty.  Maybe I should go for a dip. As I enter the water I mutter 'So pretty "  and walk further in... By the time I reached halfway across I was still crying when I saw an illusion of Harry. I asked "Harry, would you care if I die? " illusion Harry said "No " I took one more step when suddenly someone yells "Niall please stay where you are. I'm coming " I turn around to face Harry and that's when my surroundings go black.

Harry's Pov

As soon as Niall left the house I realized that I got angry at him For no reason.. After a minute I went searching for him...suddenly someone mentioned that they saw him going towards the sea... I quickly went there to see Niall in the middle and taking one more step. I yelled "Niall please stay where you are. I'm coming "
I watched him turn around to look at me before he collapsed.I quickly swam towards him and brought his body into my arms and swam quickly back to the shore.... I checked his pulse.  It was faint but still present. I carried him home to our house and wrapped him in thick blankets while crying. I almost lost him because of my stupidity. Niall weakly said "I love you HazzyBear " I replied "I love you too Ni. I'm so sorry "
Niall smiled and pulled me in his arms as I started crying again
I'm so glad that Niall and I made up and I vow to never let my stupidity come in the way ever again.

Authors note

Hey everyone,
Vas Happenin'????

What are your comments on this chapter ??
If you have any requests please dm me. 

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