Is this the end?(4th part to Rumors)

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The doctor then spoke making us all jump as we completely forgot that he was in the room saying that "So has the decision been made? " I Replied "Yes. My decision is.....



Harry's Pov

My decision is "I can't spend the night with Niall" Liam and Louis both protested with saying "Harry." Zayn was lost in thought. i threw myself in Liam's arms as i started crying, i was too much of a coward and felt a wave of guilt wash over me. Zayn suddenly spoke making me jump "I'll do it, i'll spend the night. " Louis threw him a suprised look trying to tell him to convince me to spend the night with Niall instead of him.

The Doctor said "Well, ok. I know i earlier said that the rest of you could wait here but now there's no need to. The rest of you go home "" Liam said "we'll get some stuff ok?Text us if you need anything and tell us how Niall is. " Louis gave Zayn a quick hug and said "Bye Zayn , take care of Niall ok. Liam will be back with the stuff .Harry do you want to see Niall and then come back with Liam?" I replied "I'll come back with Liam." Liam and Louis then left.

The Doctor said "Follow me." Zayn and I both followed him to Niall's room and I gasped. Niall was hooked onto several machines, his face looked so angelic, his hair so soft. I went to his side and brushed his hair softly.

Zayn said "Your a coward Harry" I said "just keep quiet Zayn. You don't understand. " Zayn took his place by Niall's bed and said "I understand perfectly. Just go. I know about your secret that you cheated on Niall with someone thinking it was him when drunk. " I begged "Please don't tell Niall, it'll crush him. " Zayn shook his head saying "I need to. Niall is my best mate. Sooner or later he's going to know. I can't lie to him. "

Liam then came with a bag for Ziall and then I said "Goodnight Zayn." and kissed niall's forehead softly. Zayn gave me a short wave and we left. I really hope Niall survives.

Zayn's Pov

After Harry left I sat on the side of the bed and ran my fingers through niall's hair. The doctor returned to do a few tests and said "looks like Niall might wake up a few times at night. He's a fighter. If he continues to keep up this spirit he may live tomorrow but anyways good night. " I nodded and he left.

Niall opened his eyes as he said "Hazza? I want hazza " grabbing my hand and tracing circles on it. I frowned and replied "No, it's Zayn. " and immediately got up from the bed with a hurt look in my eyes. Niall wrapped his arm around my wrist and said "Z, don't go. Stay with me. " I gave a short nod then climbed back on the bed. Niall instantly wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair making him let out a sigh.

Niall asked "Harry cheated on me right? When he was drunk?" I suddenly gasped in suprise as I replied " How in the world do you know?" Niall shook his head sadly and said "I heard you two talking about it. " I said "I'm sorry Ni." Niall tilted his head up saying "No need Z. " and kissed my cheek softly.

I tilted to look into his blue eyes and say  "Niall, promise me you'll wake up tomorrow ?" Niall said "I'll try my best. I promize Z." before I knew it I felt tears fall down from my eyes. Niall wiped them away gently and shifted our position so that I tucked my head into the crook of his neck and we both fell asleep 

*Next morning *

The next morning I got up early morning and turned my head towards the machine which was monitoring niall's heart beats. I smiled when I saw that his heart rate was normal but panicked when it suddenly flatlined. 

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