I love you Niall part 2 of shocking supraise

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Harry's pov

As Niall was immediately rushed to the hospital I kept freaking out that what if Niall never woke up... I love him so much I wish I could have told him or made sure he was OK.  

Finally after 20 minutes of driving we reached the hospital.. I immediately burst in with carrying Niall in my arms . Niall was quickly taken by the doctors and I was not allowed to go along with them as I was not family...
I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited along with the other lads.... Then finally after 2 hours of torturous waiting the doctor came and told us that we can visit Niall as he's stable but not to panic him. As I soon as I went into the room I jumped ontop of Nialller and cuddled with him and laid my head on his chest. Niall said "Harry"

I said Niall I need to tell you something... Niall said before I could speak that "I love you Hazzy... More than a friend.......  I smiled and replied "I love you too Ni ... Just as we were about to kiss the other lads entered the room..

Louis raised his eyebrow At Niall and I and asked "Are you both dating?? "
I looked at Niall as he replied "yes we are...  I hope you guys accept us ". The lads hugged us and congratulated us and then they went back to their house... While we were there at the hospital Niall decided to quit social media for a while and then I made a promise to always take care of him...

Authors note

Sorry for not updating For a long time.. Next oneshot will be posted next Friday maybe... Please feel free to message me incase you want to give me ideas and I will give a shoutout to your account... Also if you need a friend feel free to message me...

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