a lie (Rumors part 2)

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Harry's Pov

I can't believe Niall would cheat on me.... Did our relationship mean nothing to him. True that it was a secret but still... I think I did the right thing by breaking up with Niall.

Liam said "Harry?" I looked at him with a confused face as Liam took a seat on my bed... Liam continued "Harry, Niall has been in an accident when he was flying back to tell you the truth. "

I choked back my sobs as I asked "how is he? . Liam gave me a sad smile as Louis entered the room and said "his plane has crashed in the middle of the sea. I don't know why he took a risk of flying back in such a weather.. The rescuers are searching for him as we speak. "

Guilt flashed in My eyes because it's my fault that Niall risked his life.. Liam Must have guessed what I was thinking since he brought me into a hug and said "We will find him haz."

I said "Let's go to join the search " and all of us started getting ready.. Zayn was about to switch off the news when an update suddenly came that Niall's plane has been found still intact but his body is missing.

We quickly gave each other a glance before rushing to the shore and get into a boat to help with the search.

Authors Note


Lights up is such an AmaZayn song. Don't you think?
I literally screamed with joy which made my mother just go have you lost your head ? Put it on your shoulders and stop wasting time 😔

I updated since I needed a break from studies and I think I'm slowly losing my sanity.
I get really anxious and have a lot of mental breakdowns, sometimes I just blank out and negative thoughts come in My head.

Anyways, sorry for my rambling.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
What do you think should happen next?

Narry OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora