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Thank you Narryandwolfie for helping me with this Chapter, also please check out her book The Irish Exchange Student. It's an amazayn book.

Anyways on with the chapter 

Niall's Pov

Today my best mate Zaynie is coming back, i'm so excited as i have not seen him for 3 months ever since he went for the exchange program to Japan. "Niall,calm down" i hear harry say with a laugh as i couldn't stop talking about him. I then look over at the clock seeing that in less than 10 minutes. Suddenly the doorbell rings, signalling his arrival Harry said "Niall, you really need to calm down? i'm going to open the door since he apparently left his keys here and forgot to take it while going' i nod and he softly gives me a kiss on the head before leaving. i look in the mirror as i put on the shirt and spray perfume before rushing down.

As soon as i went down i saw Harry talking to Zayn, and they both were laughing at something, his suitcase near the wall of the living room "" i screamed before running towards him, zayn stood up and held out his arms before i jumped in them with my legs wrapping around his waist, the force sending us both on the ground with him below me. Suddenly Harry's phone rings making him exit the room.

"I missed you so much Z. " I said while burying my face in his neck. "I missed your so much too Baby. I think this is the longest we've gone without seeing each other " and then tilted my head towards him placing a kiss on my cheek, I turned a bit so that he kissed me properly on the lips.

Zayn then pulled away before gently carrying me and placing me on the couch and checked his phone suddenly frowning. Then he moved go to his room while blinking back tears. "Z " I yelled and tugged on his shirt hard, my eyes watering as he brushed me away. In a last desperate attempt I pulled him backwards making him fall on top of me backwards on the couch.

"Niall, please let me go. " he whispered as he tried to free himself from me. "No" I replied and gripped him tighter.  Zayn finally gave up and slumped in my arms crying. I asked "Z, what happened" Zayn replied "It's just some stuff Niall. Please just hold me. "

I nodded and held him tightly as he sobbed brushing my fingers in his hair. i asked "Z?" Zayn said "My mom is in a coma, they don't know if she will wake up. " i bit my lip to control myself from sobbing and to focus being there for Zayn. Zayn's mum was such a sweet woman who had treated me like her own son.

I couldn't hold it back anymore and i started sobbing as well while still holding onto Zayn, I said"I'm so sorry to hear this Zaynie, can i come with you to visit her?" "Yeah sure Niall" Zayn replied with an absent mind, i held him tighter rocking our bodies slowly together.

"What in the world is going on?" I lifted my head to see Haz standing with a confused look on his face, i mouthed a tell u later face before returning to comfort Zayn. Harry sighed and checked his phone eyes widening suddenly. he came and took a seat on the floor and hugged zayn "I'm so sorry to hear about your mum" i asked "How did u know?' Harry replied "Sam put a post about it on Insta" I rubbed Zayn silently as he gave a loud sigh and said "I need to go" "No" i exclaimed, Zayn gave me a soft kiss before getting out and his legs gave out, i quickly caught hold of him. 

Harry said "Zayn, don't venture out , your in no condition to be alone right now" Zayn nodded and i carried him to my bedroom while Harry called up zayn's family to talk to them. i layed him down on the bed and cuddled up with him. i placed my hand on his chest as i asked "How are ya feeling?" Zayn replied "i just cant believe my world has come crashing down, how am i going to manage?' i slowly kissed his forehead saying 'i'm always here for you Z'  zayn sighed as he fell asleep while crying on my chest as i laid my head back on the pillow.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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