your safe (Fourth Part to Niall please.... )

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Harry's Pov

I was immediately ushered out of the room by the nurses and doctors..   What if Niall never wakes up again... OMG I never got to tell him that I love him.. As I pacing in the hospital's corridor Liam and Zayn came rushing with Louis...  They asked about what happened to Niall. As I explained the situation Zayn got angry and just left saying he has to go somewhere..

(Time Skip of 4 hours)

I can't believe that four hours has passed and we have got no update on Niall..... Then a doctor comes out of the room to tell us that Niall is safe and awake... I rushed into his room and hugged him tightly while whispering I am sorry over and over again..   Niall held me tightly in his arms as I sobbed with relief... Niall kissed my lips softly and said "I love you Hazza" I smiled and replied " I love you too Nialler, can you please forgive me? " Niall smiled and said " of course I forgive you.... Haz I need you ask you something" I buried my face in his chest as I replied "What is it Nialler?"
Niall said "will you please do the honour of becoming my boyfriend? " I replied "yes " and kissed him...
The other lads including Zayn were happy to know that Niall and I were dating..

Authors Note

Sorry, I have not posted for a long time as I was not in a cheerful mood.. I am slightly better now hence the update...

Just a few quick questions do you want me to do a one-shot about the narry that happens once Niall is out of hospital??? How are you enjoying the story so far??

Anyway the next update will come soon and I need to go to sleep as it is 03:04 am in my country and I have school the same day.. 😔. So good night ....

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