bed time

921 15 3

We just sat there on the sofa chest to chest tears ran of Marshall's face and on to my shoulder. 

As he let out the pain of today. 

I broke my heart that he was in such a bad place and I didn't even know. 

I know he had he demands. 

But I didn't know that they affected him this much. 

Shorty after the guy came in to the living room 

" haw are you doing em " proof ask placing a hand on Marshall's shoulder he sat back "yer....... I I think I'm going to go to bed" 

"Yer get some rest ok I will phone you in the morning...... if you need us Marshall we're a phone call a way " proof said taking Marshall in to a huge he sobbed hand as proof rubes he back and try to cram him dawn.

(God I am so worried about him )

We said are goodbyes 

And it was just me Dre and Marshall in the house. 

"I will go make up a spare room for you two I will be back in a minute" said Dre as he walked up the stairs. 

I rapped my arms around Marshall as we sat on the sofa he was still trembling. He looked so tired. 

After a little while 

I help Marshall walked up to the room Dre was making up for us.

he was all most done.

"Eh I found sum new pjs that should fit you Curtis as for you em I got this ones but there probably to big but there to small for me so you welcome to try them on" Dre said 

I sat Marshall on the bed.

He looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"I will leave you guys alone give me a call if you need me...ok"said Dre 

"Dre if I get Marshall ready for bed will you keep a eye on him why I get ready?" I asked 

"Yer doge just give me a call ones your done" Dre said as he left closing the door behind him.

I turn to Marshall. 

"Right baby let get you ready for bed."

O SHIT this will be the first time I see Marshall naked.

(not the why I fort it would happen)

He turns a deep shade of red.

"Curtis I I not what this to be the way you see me.... you know naked for the first time I I want it to be special" he said looking at me white swollen eyes.

"Ok I will look away but if you can't do it your self then this is the way it will just have to be... ok " I said giving him he pjs. 

He nods and I tern to face the wall. 

A thou minute later he was done.

The pj Dre gave him swallowed him. 

He looked so tiny he rolled the legs and sleeves and pulled the ribbon on the pants so they fit he's slim hips.

"Right let me look at your bandages" I said sitting on the bed next to him.

He gently placed he's hands in mine. 

I pouched he's sleeves up and looked at the bandages.

No blood had seeped through yet so I left them.

I got Dre to look after Marshall why I go get ready for bed in the bathroom dawn the hall. 

(Dre's POV ) 

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