doctors office

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( Curtis pov) 

I wheel Marshall in to the doctors office Nathan follows right behind us. 

" good morning I'm doctor Samuel. Haw are you doing to day" Doctor Samuel said sitting down.
" we are doing alright. Thank you for seeing us on such short notice " Nathan said taking a seat as well. 
" that all right wen Mr Jackson told me the extent of Mr mathers legs I know he'd need a appointment right a way" Doctor Samuel said smiling.

I hold Marshalls hand tightly as Nathan and doctor Samuel talk.
Marshall is shaking and has he's eyes closed. 

" OK let's have a look at this leg" Doctor Samuel said. 
" it's OK baby I'm just going to show doctor Samuel your leg ok" I say. 
He doesn't move he just shacks.
I pull the leg of he's sweatpants up he doctor Samuel can see it. 

Skin has grown over the bolts in he's legs there red and painful looking.
Haw could I let this happen to him haw could I of left him like this. 
Doctor Samuel leans closer to look as Marshall's sure legs. 
Marshall keeps he's eyes closed and continues to shake. 
" we need to get these out naw. I will clear my appointment for this afternoon and we can get these out before they get any worse" Doctor Samuel said.
" that great" Nathan said. 
" wait a minute he's not ready. Marshall can't handle surgery yet" I say.
"Curtis we have no other choice he has to have this surgery naw" Nathan said.  
" no he can't he's not ready" I say.
" if it was up to you he'd never be ready" Nathan said 
" what the fuck is that suppose mean" 
I yell. 
" gentlemen please don't argue" Doctor Samuel said. 
"you know it's trow" Nathan yell. 
" why because I'm trying to keep him save and not giving him over to he's fucking crazy mother" I yell. 
" fuck you" Nathan yell.
" gentlemen this is not a time for arguing I need you to since the papers so we can get these pins out before they get any worse " doctor Samuel said.
"Give me the papers I'll sin them" Nathan said.
I stair angrily at him.
Haw can be expected Marshall to handle this.

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