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( Curtis pov) 

"let's get you home baby it late" I say picking up my rucksack. 

" is it" he asks looking up from a pad he was scribbling in.
" it like hearth six" I say.
"ow that not to late" he mumbles looking back down to he's pad.
" you got to tack it easy man you don't want to over do it" swift said resting he's hand on Marshall shoulder. 
" I guess your right" he mumbles.
" go home get some rest. The studio will sell be here tomorrow or the day after" swift said gently.
" it's your first day back you did really well" Proof said.
"OK I get it I'm going." Marshall said closing he's book. 
He rubs he's hand over he's face.
"I'll cull you tomorrow if I'm not coming in" Marshall said.
" good go home rest and Eat something ok" Proof said as he hugs Marshall. 
" I will" Marshall mumbles.
"good" Proof smile.
" see you lather man" I say before hugging proof good bye. 

" I know you where tired" I say looking over at Marshall how has been nodding of all the way home.

" I am a little but I'm so glad we went to the studio today" Marshall said.

"you just got to take it easy beautiful " I say opening the front door.

" I know that, Thats why I plan on lay in bed and hugging you all day tomorrow" Marshall said.
"well I was going to get you a appointment to see a fiscal therapist but that sounds like a great way to spend the rest of the day.....Maybe we can order pizza and watch a movie this evening? " I smile leaning down to kiss him. 
"that sounds great" Marshall said before kissing me back. 

"I love you" Marshall whispers as we sit in bed with a big fluffy blanket and a empty pizza box.
He sits inbetween my legs he's back agents my chest he's head resting agents my shoulder. 
" I love you too baby" I say honestly before kissing he's neck. 

( 😁)

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