haw code I ever leave him.

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( Curtis pov)

" shhhh baby it's ok beautiful" I say rubbing he's back.
He holds on to me for dear life As we lay in bed. 
He so scared I will leave him again.
I only left him for two hours what happens if I put him in to that hospital  what will he do. 
He'd think I abandoned him.
I can't do that to him.
It will only make it worse.
I will keep him at home I will take him to he doctor and finely get the pins removed out of he's legs. As I know they have been in he's legs for fare to long and I'm kind of compared it might be doing more damage then good.
But if I can convince him to go to the hospital with me then he can start he's fiscal therapy.
I will help him I will make sure he can coup and if he can't I will be there for him we will get thro this together. 
I will be he's shoulder to lean on.
I will help he to see the light in the darkness.
I will show him that the world isn't so terrifying when I am by he's sid to catch him when he falls to be there to hold him up.
I will be he's strength when he doesn't have any.
I will save him from the darkness. 

( Sorry I haven't update this story recently.
But I will try and update again soon.
Thanks for reading commenting and liking. 😘)

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